Chapter 16

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A month later

*mature content*

Its been 3 months since we started seeing each other again, and its been great he is still travelling back and forth with work, He has been in China for 2 weeks to a summit with the changing world of engineering something. He was supposed to be back last week but he had to stay because he met a potential client who could bring him millions. My thoughts and peace of mind are disturbed by a knock. That could be Mlotshwa or Phakade, he has been sending his brothers to bring me food and check up on me. I appreciate that and their company, because without him my life is boring I have nothing else to do. Which is something I should look into its not healthy. I get the door and its him, "Siya why didn't you tel-" He shuts me up by kissing me passionately, he stops and closes the door and looks at me in my eyes and kisses me again with more passion this time, and I feel he is tense, I stop him "are you okay?" I ask him. He doesn't answer he looks into my eyes and I can tell that something is wrong, and he doesn't want to talk about it. So I kiss him back instead.

The kiss gets deep and more intimate, he is no longer as tense as before his hand slides in my panties and he stops looks deep in my eyes for permission I nod. He kisses me and I feel the heat rushing through my body, he flickers my bean and plays with it I feel myself getting wetter and wetter. He then slides his fingers deep into my opening and that feels great. I moan. He continues kissing me. His one hand is playing with my left boob with kisses and I feel myself getting some please I have never ever felt before. I feel the urge to pee, I whisper to him that I need to pee he should let me go, he doesn't instead his fingers get deeper in a rhythm in my opening, I am about to pee and he doesn't care and I let go.

I just peed myself, I am so embarrassed I close my eyes I cant look at him, my first time getting this intimate with a guy I pee myself, but I told him I wanted to pee he didn't listen its fault. "Its okay, its okay you shouldn't be embarrassed you just came its nothing to be embarrassed about." He whispers. I open my eyes and my eyes meet his, he smiles. "Do you want to continue? Or is this fine?" He asks. I want more of this, I want him in me, I have been waiting for a longtime for him. I nod. He leans in and kisses me and continues caressing my breast, he plays with kitty and it feels so good, I try to hold my moans in I don't want to make noise for the neighbors. "Don't hold it in, let it out." He whispers. Why does his voice sound sexier when he whispers its even deeper. 

He looks at me once more and asks if I am sure. I nod. He kisses me again, "This might hurt and if you feel its too much for you tell me okay." He says as he pushes himself in and whoa he is huge, how come I never noticed. Okay this hurts, oh God no. I try to hold it in its supposed to hurt for a few seconds so it will be fine. He slowly positions himself in me I can feel his every movement in me, just then I feel this sharp pain unexpectedly. I cry a tear drops from my eye, this is not pleasure this is pain. He stops. "We can stop." He tries to pull himself I out I don't want him to stop, I wrap my legs around him, "No don't, don't stop." I say to him. He pushes himself in again and its still painful even more than before it starts to be great. It feels better now. Oh my this feels good he picks up his pace and he grunts a few minutes after that. He stops and looks at me with satisfaction in his eyes and I am a bit disappointed that's it? He kisses me again plays with it and I feel good once again. I moan because his pace had changed from before. "That was for me, now its your turn." He whispers in my ear as he kissed my neck and my boob, while playing with my kitty. He then pushes himself in me once more there is still a bit of pain but its definitely better than before. 

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