Unknown, Unfamilar, Undeniable

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He couldn't remember the last time he'd slept so well. In fact, he couldn't remember the last time he'd even slept through the night.

When he woke up, his arms were wrapped around her tightly, holding her against his chest. He didn't loosen his grip immediately, instead continuing to hold her and allowing himself to admire her sleeping form. Hair splayed across his pillow, hands gently holding the sheets under her chin. Quiet, heart-melting sighs passing through her lips every time her chest rose.

He thought she was waking up when her nose twitched and her eyebrows pulled together. But she didn't. She simply tugged the sheets towards her and nuzzled her face into his bare chest.

His heart rate picked up so quickly he was afraid it would wake her up. 

He knew he shouldn't let himself look at you, absorb the feeling of your skin against his. It was making him... feel. Which was something he wasn't used to as well as something he absolutely could not do.

Being with her could only mean being with her physically, unencumbered by feelings or attachment. He wasn't the type of person to be in relationships, and even if he was, he couldn't drag this girl into his chaos.

He sighed quietly and carefully detangled her from his arms. Going into the bathroom quickly and brushing his teeth, he set out an extra toothbrush he had on the sink for her to use before he walked to the kitchen. He figured she'd want some coffee considering he rarely saw her without one.

He couldn't help from smiling when he pictured what she'd look like when she woke up. The way her voice would be hoarse, her hair hanging wildly around her bare face. He even smiled thinking about how grumpy she probably was in the morning.

The smell of the warm coffee must've woken her up because he heard her stirring in the bedroom. He turned to pour the coffee into a mug for her as he heard the bathroom door open.

Once he'd poured two cups of coffee and addd creamer and one sugar into her mug, she emerged from his bedroom, yawning quietly.

He was right. Her hair was a mess around her bare face, creases from the pillow decorating her cheek. His breath hitched as he watched her enter the kitchen in his shirt that nearly reached her knees.

"Morning sunshine," he teased, smiling obnoxiously wide.

She grumbled and rolled her eyes but smiled as she took the mug from him.

"Creamer?" she questioned, wrapping her hand around the handle.

He simply nodded his head at her mug and she looked down, seeing the already caramel colored liquid. "I didn't have any vanilla but the sugar's already in," he added.

He noticed a slight blush in her cheeks.

"Sleep well?"

She looked up at him as she took a long sip of her coffee. "Yeah, I did," she replied. "I was asleep in like two minutes. Is your bed made of marshmallows or something?"

He laughed slightly.

"And you?" she asked, glancing at him through her lashes.

He nodded. "Yeah, I did," he answered honestly. "Except you kept putting your feet on my legs and they were fucking freezing."

She accidentally spit her coffee back into her mug as she laughed, choking and sputtering in between giggles.

He smiled at her, a wicked gleam in his eyes. "Interesting hearing you choke on coffee."

Her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed bright red. He just laughed as she averted eye contact. "Little shit," she mumbled, taking a sip.

"Little?" he questioned.

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