Make it up to you

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Autumn had reached its full glory, the beginning of winter slowly approaching. The leaves had changed from bright green to yellow and orange, littering the streets with color as they fell. Soon, those fallen leaves would be covered in sheets of white.

Raindrops pelted the vast windows, steady and rhythmic as you sat on the floor with your back against the couch, laptop and paper strewn on Kylo's coffee table as he sat behind you.

It was Friday afternoon, tomorrow marking two weeks since you'd accompanied him to the First Order gala. Your first date.

Even though the date went well and the date certainly ended well, you hadn't seen much of him since then. You were always busy as the holidays drew closer, and you were especially busy this year with your piece on Finalizer Industries.

You stared at your laptop screen as you deleted and retyped the same sentence for the 20th time, unable to find the correct wording.

"The couch is probably more comfortable," Kylo mumbled, fingers lazily weaving through your hair. "Or at least the desk in my office."

You stopped typing and tilted your head back to look at him. He looked away from his book and smiled at you, continuing to play with your hair.

"I'm good here," you replied, running your hand across his pant leg.

"You should take a break," he said, pointing at your screen. "Besides, I thought it wasn't set for publication until after the holidays?"

You sighed. It was true that your piece on Finalizer Industries wouldn't be published for a while, but you were still frantically working on it. You'd made substantial progress, but it still wasn't enough.

It had to be absolutely perfect.

"Yeah it is," you replied, eyes closing as his fingers massaged your scalp. "But-"

"Then take a break."

You hesitated for a few seconds before leaning forward to close your laptop and standing up. He closed his book and removed his expensive-looking glasses with black rims, setting both on the coffee table, grinning in satisfaction as you turned around to climb onto his lap, knees resting on the outsides of his thighs.

He wasted no time, attacking your neck with his lips the second he had his arms wrapped around you. He sucked harshly, immediately running his tongue across the bruise he'd made.

"Do you know how much money I've had to spend on concealer since I met you? I'm going to start charging you for each mark," you muttered in between quiet sighs.

He laughed against you and moved his mouth upwards, leaving a fresh bruise on your neck. "I don't have a problem with that."

Of course he wouldn't. The man was practically made of money.

He pulled his head back to look at you, a strange expression on his face. "You're going home for
Christmas, right?"

Your brows pulled together. It was only the second week of November. So why was he asking you about your Christmas plans?

"Yeah, I have a little over a week off so I'm going home to see my family," you replied slowly. "Why are you asking?"

He swallowed thickly and looked away, your anxiety mounting with each passing moment. "Nothing, it's just..."

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