His Reporter

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TW: threat of sexual assault - there is no sexual assault in this book, but in this chapter, there is a slight scare

You couldn't believe October was already coming to an end.

The past two weeks had been so hectic that you barely noticed the air growing colder, didn't realize that November would be here in just a few days. You were too wrapped up in your work to notice the leaves changing, the only thing reminding you that fall was in full swing being the pumpkin scones that your barista would give you with your coffee on Monday mornings. Autumn was passing you by as you spent all your time investigating Finalizer Industries.

Well, besides the time you spent fucking Kylo.

Things were going well with him. The intimidating CEO had grown a bit softer around you, let his tough, corporate demeanor waver when you were with him. Except for the fucking, of course. That was still rough as usual.

Just how you wanted it to be.

But when he wasn't buried inside of you, he was a completely different person. In a good way, however.

The Monday morning after you'd spent the night at his place for the first time, you arrived at your desk to see a small black box sitting next to your keyboard. Poe was practically squealing in excitement when you sat down and noticed it.

"Alright, I definitely already opened before you got here and saw who it was from, but-"


"What? I can't help it!" he whined, holding his hands up defensively. "This is what happens when you're five minutes later than me."

You rolled your eyes and laughed, picking up the box and removing the lid. Inside was a shiny, high-end recorder. A much nicer version than the recorder Kylo had drowned in your glass.

Underneath it was a small slip of paper, marked with elegant writing.

For my sneaky reporter.

- K.R.

You smiled, trying to conceal the blush creeping onto your cheeks. He knew you preferred being called a journalist and he used that fact to tease you endlessly, purposefully calling you a reporter to get a rise out of you. But if you were being completely honest, you'd be fine with anything he decided to call you.

You tucked the slip of paper and the new recorder into your bag, trying to compose yourself before you looked up at Poe.

"Did you see the note? Did you? His handwriting is-"


"Alright, sorry, sorry," he mumbled, the smile plastered on his face never faltering. "I know I told you not to catch feelings for the guy but I have to say, a present left on your desk on a Monday is pretty close to changing my mind," he added, raising an eyebrow and taking a bite of his pumpkin scone.

You scoffed. "I'm not catching feelings," you replied. "Neither is he. This is just a replacement for my old recorder that he broke."

"Sure," he muttered, sipping his latte. "Looks like your archaic habit of still using a recorder paid off," he teased.

"I don't trust phones to record," you grumbled.

"Whatever you say grandma," he muttered.

You thought about him taking the time to find and buy this recorder for you in addition to having it waiting for you, sitting on your desk, bright and early on a Monday morning. But you had to stop thinking about the kind gesture if you actually wanted to get any work done.

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