Two Completely Different Things

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The white sheets were cold and crisp to the touch, but the indent of curves still remained.

Kylo sat up, squinting as he tried to adjust to the warm sunlight leaking through the curtains. After streatching his arms and rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he stood up, pushing his hair out of his face and stumbling into the kitchen.

He found her exactly where her expected to see her, doing what she always did.

She was seated at the table, the morning paper spread out in front of her. Across the table sat another mug, untouched but waiting. Waiting for Kylo.

She noticed his presence, looking up from the inked words and smiling warmly. "Good morning."

Her voice sounded disoriented, almost as if her words were from a recording. "I made you some coffee."

He sat down across from her, wrapping his hand around the mug. He looked down to see caramel colored liquid.

"I added creamer," she said. "I can't stand to watch you drink it plain."

He didn't mind. He wouldn't admit it, but he liked the creamer she always added. Just a hint of vanilla, a more pleasant experience than his usual bitter tasting black coffee.

He took a long sip, the liquid warming his throat as he swallowed. He watched as she stood up and walked around the table towards him.

Without a moments hesitation, he turned in his chair, allowing her to sit on his lap and drape her legs across his thighs.

He wrapped his arms around her waist. "How did you sleep?"

His voice sounded different too, almost as if he were hearing it from a distance.

She smiled and pushed a piece of hair out of Kylo's face. "Good."

She leaned in and Kylo followed suit, eagerly pressing his lips against hers. He could taste the vanilla of her latte in her kiss, sweet and familiar.

She pulled away, placing her delicate hand on his jaw. "I love you."

She quickly placed another kiss to his lips, smiling against him. When she pulled away again, Kylo slid his hand up to cup her face, gently stroking her cheek.

"And I love-"


Kylo's eyes flew open.

He immediately focused on the other side of the bed, finding it empty. He licked his lips, finding that they felt tingly. Like he had just been kissed by the morning air.

He'd had a few dreams like that before, but they'd never felt so real. Maybe it was because of what happened the night before.

Never in a million years would he have expected to see her there. He had no reason to. But even if he had known she would be attending, the sight of her would've taken his breath away regardless. 

She looked so beautiful last night. She was always beautiful, but it was even more breathtaking after not seeing her for so long.

He didn't even know how long it had been. Three months? Maybe four? He'd lost track of the time. All he knew was that it was too long, and he'd been far more miserable than he'd expected.

He was having to familiarize himself with crawling into bed alone again. Waking up alone too, walking into the cold kitchen and only pouring one cup of coffee instead of two.

Kylo stumbled into the kitchen, just like he had in his dream. But this time, she wasn't seated at his table waiting for him.

The only thing waiting for Kylo was silence.

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