Coming Home

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A month felt a lot longer without Kylo.

You were usually the type of person to not even realize the month had ended, days late in changing the calendar. But this past month, you'd been painfully aware of how many days had passed since Kylo left and even more painfully aware of how many were left until you saw him again.

But finally, finally, the wait was over. You could stop staring at the calendar, willing the days to go by.

You knocked, fidgeting nervously. It'd been so long since you'd seen him that it almost felt like it was one of the first times you'd stood outside this door.

You waited, but there was no answer. You knocked again, wondering if he just hadn't heard you. But when there still wasn't an answer, you checked to see if the door was open.

It was, so you walked in.

He wasn't in the entry hall or in the living area, but you heard movement in the bedroom. You took your heels off and left them by the door, shrugging off your coat and flinging it on the couch.

Sure enough, you walked in to see Kylo unpacking, his back to you.

You leaned on the doorframe, watching him for a few seconds. Even from behind he was gorgeous, still so polished and professional even while simply emptying his suitcase.

"Knock knock."

He turned around to look at you, jaw set and eyebrows slightly pulled together. You thought he'd be happy enough to at least smile, but apparently, he wasn't.

But you didn't have to time to dwell on your slight disappointment because in an instant, he was pressed tightly against you, his lips on yours.

He kissed you hard, exhaling loudly through his nose, his hand roughly holding your face. Of course he was rough with you most of the time, but this was different.

You pulled your mouth away and looked up at him, concerned. "Is something wrong?" you asked slowly. "You seem...angry."

He had a wild look in his eye, reminding you of the way he looked at you when he thought you were seeing someone else. The night he'd seen you in Poe's arms and come to a drastically wrong conclusion.

It felt like a small eternity before he answered."Yes I'm angry," he seethed. "Because of you. You did this to me."

You stood there, completely taken off guard. You hadn't done anything to make him so angry. At least that you knew of. "What the hell are you talking about?"

He got even closer to you, his face now so close to yours that the air from his mouth blew across your lips. "You've turned me into someone else. Someone I don't recognize. I don't know how you did it but you've wormed yourself into my life like the nosy little reporter you are. I was fine keeping people out of my life before you. But now, I can't escape you. You're everywhere. In my mind, practically haunting me. I can't sleep, I can't even work, I can barely eat, I can't do anything without thinking about you. You're destroying me because you made me care for you."

You didn't know what to say. Usually, you had a sarcastic remark for him when he made a snide comment, a sharp reply when he was being difficult. But he'd never said anything like this to you before. You'd never seen him like this, never heard him he so open and vulnerable.

Finally, you found the nerve to speak.

"I wasn't supposed to care for you either," you said quietly. "But I do."

Wide, unblinking eyes scanned your face, his lip quivering slightly. Staring at you with almost a hateful passion.

Without another word, he grabbed you by the hips and yanked you towards him, practically attacking your lips with his, tongue sliding into your mouth.

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