Everything Has Changed

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"How in the world did Finn get reservations at Naboo on the busiest day of the year?"

Poe shrugged, a wide smile on his face. "One of the guys at his work had a connection," he replied. "He just got lucky."

"And he's going to get lucky after dinner too," Poe added, giving a toast with his glass to no one in particular.

Naboo was by far the most exclusive-and most expensive-restaurant in New York City. White tablecloths, imported wine, waiters in tuxedos.

It was a struggle just to get a table at Naboo on a regular Wednesday night. Getting a table on Valentine's Day was near impossible.

"I just can't believe you have reservations there," you said, shaking your head in disbelief.

"Well I know your Valentine's Day won't be as good as mine," Poe said with a devilish grin, "but what are your plans?"

"I don't have any plans," you mumbled.

Poe froze mid-bite, his fork dangling in the air. "What?"

You shrugged. "I just don't have plans."

Repeating it just made you feel worse about it. You didn't want to admit that your lack of Valentine's Day plans bothered you, but it did.

Poe was still in total disbelief. "You don't have plans with Ren?"


"But I thought things were going well with him," he said, a concerned look on his face.

"No, no, they are," you assured them.

And that was the truth. Things were going well.

January had been great with Kylo. He was back home and less stressed with work, and seemed s but happier overall.

He still hadn't opened up about his past or his family situation, but he did tell you when he called his mom - which was getting to be a bit more frequent.

"So if things are going well, why wouldn't you have plans with him for Valentine's Day? He's your boyfriend."

You took a long sip of your latte. "He's not really my boyfriend," you replied. "At least not in the traditional sense."

Not unless traditional relationships started with a stolen file, followed by fucking on an office desk when you were supposed to be doing an interview.

"Well are you two exclusive?" Poe asked.


"And have you gone on dates?"

You shrugged. " I went with him to the gala."

"And didn't he buy you a new audio recorder?"

"Yes, but-"

"And didn't the note that I read before you opened the box say 'His reporter'?"

"Well, yes, but-"

"If that doesn't qualify as a boyfriend, I'm not sure what does," Poe concluded.

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