What You Wanted

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You'd left Kylo's office on Wednesday more than satisfied and yet by the time you got home, you still wanted more. He had given you more than you'd expected, made you feel things you'd never felt before, pleasured you in ways you'd never experienced.

But all you could think about was more. More pleasure, more of him.

It had been just two days since you'd seen him, just two days since he'd bent you over his desk. And you spent nearly every minute thinking about fucking him again.

As if to make you suffer even more, Kylo had texted you at noon that he would have to move your interview with him to eight instead of six. And, he told you to meet him at his apartment.

Because he had pushed your meeting back two hours, you had plenty of time to go home and change and even eat dinner quickly.

And by dinner, you meant a microwaveable dinner from your freezer.

Not knowing how long you'd be gone, you fed Artoo before you left and set out some extra food for him in case he got hungry later.

You left your apartment and got a cab, not wanting to walk since it was getting a bit colder out. You mindlessly texted Poe and made plans to go out with him tomorrow night, but your mind would only let you think about Kylo. With every passing building, your anxiety grew more and more and before you knew it, the driver was pulling over.

It was one thing being with him in his office. But it was another to be heading to the place where he lived. He was such a private person and yet he was the one that had invited you to his apartment.

Just as you suspected, the building was extremely high-end. From one look, you could tell that the residents were dripping with wealth, just like Ren.

Swallowing nervously, you got out of the cab and walked towards the building, smiling politely towards the doormen.

Following Kylo's directions, you gave a code to the security guard who then directed you to the elevators. Once inside, you had to enter another code before you could hit the button for Kylo's floor. The top floor of the building.

The elevator opened, revealing a small walkway that led to another set of doors. You stepped out and stood there, your stomach in knots.

You knew him better than most people, and had spent a considerable amount of time with him, and yet the man still made you nervous. Kylo was just intimidating, a commanding aura surrounding him at all times.

But at the same time, you found him absolutely intoxicating.

He was mysterious and dark, and being with him made you feel a bit dangerous. He challenged you, matched your sharp wit, kept you on your toes.

Finally, you made yourself take a step forward towards the doors. You were about to knock when Kylo swung the door open, making you accidentally hit his shoulder with your fist.

"Ouch," he deadpanned, staring down at you.

"You know," you said, "usually the door opens after someone knocks."

He said nothing as he opened the door wider, letting you step inside. Despite your best efforts, you audibly gasped when you walked in.

His apartment - well, penthouse - was stunning, to say the least.

"Holy shit," you breathed, taking a few more steps forward. You stopped to look out the large windows, admiring the view.

He came to stand behind you, placing a hand on your lower back. You sucked in a breath at his proximity and stood up straighter.

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