You Have A Deal

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[Hi! Thanks for reading, I'm glad you're here! I hope you're enjoying the story so far, and I'd love some feedback or even just a comment saying hi! Can't wait to continue with this story, thanks again!]

- Also, I have another work in progress that's partially published right now called "Help Me Understand"! I'd love it if you checked it out :)

Tuesday morning, you had sent an email to thank Hux for his time the day before, and you sent an email to Ren's secretary asking about an interview. You'd tried to find his email anywhere on their website, but of course, there was nothing.

An hour after you'd sent both emails, Hux had replied with a simple acknowledgement. The email to Ren's secretary? No answer for days.

It was Friday morning now, and you were about to go meet Organa for the interview. Your phone dinged and you saw an email notification. It was from a blocked sender.

You opened it. No subject line, no introduction.

6 p.m. at First Order headquarters. 9th floor.

Do not be late.


You read it a few times. You couldn't believe that he'd actually agreed to an interview. And you couldn't believe that a business executive would send an email from a blocked address. An email, if you could even call it that.

It didn't specify but you assumed that it meant today at six. You mentally cursed the man for not giving you more of a heads up. Luckily, you only had this interview today and then you could spend time getting prepared for the interview before meeting him.

Ms. Organa, or Leia, which she said to call her in her email, had sent you an address to The Resistance's public relations office in Greenwich Village.

It was a quaint looking building. Brown brick, dark green awnings, orange door. You pushed the door open and walked in, immediately being greeted by the receptionist.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

You looked over at her, noticing the nameplate at the front of the desk.

Kaydel Connix.

"Hi, Kaydel," you replied, "I'm here for an interview with Ms. Organa."

She stood up from her chair. "I'll go get her."

You smiled and thanked her. The lobby was so homey, such a stark contrast to the First Order building. Looking around, you noticed pictures of Organa and some of the other executives with foreign leaders and politicians. In the corner, there was another picture, this time of Organa, a man, and a small boy. You walked over to it, curious to see what it up close.

Organa was younger in this picture, taken maybe twenty years or so ago. The little boy was adorable, large ears framing a sweet face. There was a plaque underneath it.

Our thanks to the Solos - Leia, Han, and Ben.

Seeing the man's name, you recognized him from the article you'd read about Leia. That was Han Solo, her husband. He worked at the organization too as a pilot, flying supplies into refugee camps and rebel groups in war torn countries.

But you didn't know who the little boy was. You assumed that he was their child, but you hadn't seen any mention of a son. Maybe you'd just missed it.

"Welcome," you heard a gentle voice call out to you.

Spinning around, you saw the woman in the photograph standing in front of you. She was still so pretty, a crown of braided grey hair on her head and a warm smile on her face.

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