Hazelnut Latte

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It'd be really nice if everyone else could take into account your inability to wake up on time.

The coffee shop was always busy, but this was something else. It was already 9:00 in the morning by the time you'd even placed your order and here you were at 9:08, still standing in the shop.

The baristas were working frantically behind the counter, scrambling to get all those orders ready. You'd tipped them extra because of it and knew they were stressed but hell, so were you.

Your usual barista headed to the pick up bar, setting a few drinks down and calling out names.

"Iced hazelnut latte for Zena!"

Your head snapped up.


Why did that name sound familiar?

You watched as a woman - this Zena, presumably - walked to the counter and picked up her drink. She had bone straight, jet black hair that reached just below her jaw line. You noticed her deep red lipstick as she thanked the barista and picked up the cup.

She didn't look familiar though. And you certainly would've remembered a woman that looked like her.

So why was her name familiar? You'd heard it somewhere...

Hux. The night of the gala.


She's been mentioned once and then you hadn't heard her name since. All you knew was that Kylo had some strange reaction to the mention of her name and Hux had used it to mess with him.

If that was Kylo's ex then you just gained about ten new insecurities in about ten seconds.

"Two iced vanilla lattes for Moe!"

Well, you'd put the order under 'Poe', but close enough.

You maneuvered through the crowded cafe and picked up the two lattes, barely managign to slither through the hoard of people without spilling.

It was a good thing your office was less than a block away. You made the familiar trek, quickly walking down the street and into the office, hopping into the elevator and heading to your desk.

"Ah, there's my favorite delivery woman," Poe chirped as you walked in.

"Yep, here she is only fifteen - no, seventeen minutes late," you replied.

You leaned over and handed Poe his drink which he eagerly took, raising it to his lips and taking a long sip. If there was anyone with a worse caffeine dependency than you, it was Poe.

Poe sighed and leaned back in his chair. "Nothing beats overpriced lattes." He was about to take another sip from his drink when he paused, narrowing his eyes at the cup. "Wait, who's Moe?"

"You." You placed your bag on the floor by your chair. "Who's Zena?"

Poe's eyebrow knit together. "You? Is that how this game works? Are we changing our names?"

You rolled your eyes and turned your computer on. "No, Moe is what they heard when I said Poe," you explained. "But do we know anyone named Zena?"

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