Character Introduction

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Name: Yenin Clark
Race: (Kinda unimportant but white and I'd imagine him to look like the dude from cyberpunk 2077)
Alias/Legend name: Ghost-NanoTech Ninja
Abilities: -
Tactical- "Wall run"-Uses cybernetic sneakers and gloves to run up or on walls.
-Passive-"Silent Step"-Generally harder to hear (footsteps)due to his training.

Ultimate-Allow me to explain he has the natural ability to cloak (semi) invisibility but due to his suit he can go fully invisible by crossing his arms and doing the "rock symbol" (what lobs does when she teleports.While his ultimate is active he can hold weapons but as soon as he fires he loses it(Ultimate lasts for 10 seconds with a slight speed boost to him.

Attitude: Carefree/Witty/Friendly when out of battle but in he's still kinda carefree but more serious

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