Regret-Making amends

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Ghost still under the sway of what just happened runs out the hole in the window he made and begins climbing with little care for the rain and thunder going on. With every passing second and every sound of thunder making him flash back to it.

CLIMBING-I never got to go to a funeral THUNDER
CLIMBING-I don't even know if they got one
THUNDER-I should drop you, take what YOU took from Allison Clark.

Ghost: I get those last set of words in my mind and I stop climbing. I stay there facing the glass looking at it, seeing my own reflection with the rain coming down my face. I don't know why but I punch the glass but not enough to break it.After I slam it I close my eyes and hold my head down and I get one last flash of my words

"But she wouldn't approve, none of them would approve"HEAVIER THUNDER

And I kept climbing, climbing until I got to the top of the complex. Once I got to the top I opened one of the skylights and dropped down by the pool escaping the rain.Panting like crazy from the massive climb I just had to getaway, I take of my helmet so I can breath steadier.
Still feeling regret I look at my helmet and throw it on the wall cracking the visor. I look at my hands ,they're washed from the rain but still bloodied, what have I done?

Finally semi-calm I go over and pick up my helmet and sit against the wall holding my helmet looking at the cracked visor and wiping at it with my thumb. A few minutes later I hear the door leading up to the pool open and a familiar voice.

"Ahhh, I knew I'd find you up here"

I look up and see Loba, "what are you doing" I say looking down at my helmet.

"Well I usually come up here with bloodhound but I've come to check on you. How are you doing?"

"I don't know. I don't know why I'm came up here. I don't know why I didn't just drop him"
I look up at her and she gives me a sigh and comes and sits beside me.

"Because you said it yourself. Natalie wouldn't approve"
"I wasn't talking about Nat. I meant my mom"
"But still if you dropped him, you would've lost Nat"
"I already lost her"
"You lost her, mmm temporarily, you'll get her back. You just gotta work hard" she says as she pokes my chest and stabs me with her nails.

"Ow" I Yelp and she laughs.
"Now come on you need to explain yourself to Natasha"

"Fine but can I get something to eat first"
"Yea come on let's go"

Ghost: Me and Loba get to the cafeteria so I can finally get something to eat and we go up to Natasha in the main office.

We get there and she does not look happy, well that's to be expected I just nearly murdered one of the bosses here buuuutt he murdered me first.

Natasha: Yenin first off I give my condolences to your family I had no idea that a Blisk would go to such extremes to get you,but that doesn't mean what you did won't come without penalties. You brutalized Blisk and put him in critical condition, he'll pull through and I can't guarantee he'll forgive you. Penalties will include (i can't actually think of anything sooooo)
-50% less apex coins for competing in the games and you wont be allowed to leave the complex until after your next game. Please let this be the last time this happens.

Ghost: "I understand." Natasha gives me "the talk" then I leave and meet Loba in the hall.

"That went better than expected" she says to me
"Yeah. Well anyways I'm gonna see if I can talk to Natalie"
"Yeah I'll catch you later" she says to me.

We go our separate ways and I eventually get to the dorm.As soon as I open the door I see Natalie's door close and I go to it in an attempt to reach her.
"Natalie can we talk"
"Go away" she says to me and I can hear the sadness in her voice.
"We're gonna have to talk sooner or later"
"Yenin just, please leave" she says and just the sound makes me feel horrible.
"Okay I'm going I'll see you tomorrow, I guess" and I go. I go to my room and put my helmet down and look at the cracked visor. "Well I guess I'll have something to do tomorrow *sigh*"I take of my wet clothes throw them on the side and go to sleep.

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