Tour-Training Room

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???: Hi friends, can you guess who found?

Wraith:Umm Revenant?

???:Woah how did you know?

Wraith: He's standing right beside you

???: Oh, well I brought him here to meet our new friend *sees Ghost* Oh you must be my new friend "I'm pathfinder the android sent by cyber life"- sorry I had to again-

Pathfinder:I'm pathfinder, you don't know where my creator is do you?

Ghost: A little confused I tell him no

Pathfinder: That's okay friend but I know I'll find him someday,High five?*while he's saying this his screen turns from;confused to sad to happpy*
At this point pathfinder was basically dragging revenant in and he breaks off him

Revenant: Get off me you bucket of bolts, as I push this idiot of a robot of of me. Well if it isn't my favorite pair of skin bags

Ghost: This must be the Demonio he pushes of the other robot and slithers his way and sits besides Loba

Ghost: This must be the Demonio he pushes of the other robot and slithers his way and sits besides Loba

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This is the kinda seating they had so you can imagine how revenant got over to Loba from the back

Revenant: My most favorite skin bag of them all,how ya doin Loba

Loba: Get away from me Demonio you smell like death

Revenant: Really, you don't say

Ghost: Loba looks to me and hands me her bracelet from across table "Hold this for me darling" she then crosses her arms and teleports in the empty seat beside me away from him.
"Cool"I say to her

Revenant: WOW your no fun at all, anyway who's the new meat

Ghost: It's Ghost and you are

Revenant: Me well "I am your nightmare, I am infernal, I'll strike fear in you cuz fear is universal, I'm an amalgamation of hells 9 circles, I am your DOOM, I AM ETERNAL!!
But you can call me Revenant or Rev.-Let me know if any of you know where that's from.

Ghost: A little over dramatic don't ya think Rev

Rev: *does that creepy laugh in the season 4 trailer* I like this skin bag

Ghost: You're cool too in creepy kind of way

Rev: If only you knew

Ghost: Anyway wraith how about that fight you promised

Rev: You're gonna fight her you're crazier than I am.

Ghost: Every one gets up and Wattson leads me and the other legends to their training room.She explains to me that it's just a big giant box with a mirror so we can see whose inside.We get there and Wraith tells me "We're up, unless your too chicken" Oh she couldn't be more wrong. I haven't fought anyone in a while so I'm pumped to actually fight,I already have my battle gear on but she doesn't so she lifts up her hand and and a big dark purple circle opens up out of nowhere and she steps in and it closes. "Um where did she go?" Is ask. " Give her a minute" Elliot tells me. A couple seconds later she comes back in her battle gear.

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