She woudn't approve

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Ghost:"Don't do it Yenin"
"Come quietly and I won't hurt her"
"It was a good effort Yenin"
"I was gonna make a legend out of you"
"Maybe even a predator"
"Just a street trash, fake pilot helmet wearing POSER"
*GASP* I wake up in a room on a bed. Where am I?
*beep,beep,beep,beep* Oh I'm in a hospital.


Natalie: Loba brought me back from the bar and rested me in my bed while I was still pretty drunk
"Lobaaaa where's John?"
"You mean Yenin Natalie"
"Oh *hick* yeah"
"He said he had something to take care of, he'll be back later"
"Yeah he's gonna go kill Blisk"
"WHAT, No Nat he wouldn't do that"
"Hey you didn't hear it from, from me 💤"

I cant believe i said,that anyways. I wake up about an hour later and I can't sleep so I tried to get with John *slaps own head*I mean Yenin. I go to his room and he's not there,strange, maybe he hasn't gotten back yet.
I hope he didn't go after Blisk. I decided that since I couldn't sleep that I'll just watch some tv until Yenin comes back.

After another hour I hear the door open there's no one there for a second then I see Yenin re- appear with blood across his chest and his arm is messed up. He takes two steps inside, looks at me then falls to the ground.In panic I get up and run over to him.

"YENIN talk to me!" "Oh no"
I get up from beside Yenin and run into the hallway right into Ajay"

"Natalie why yuh crying like dat yuh gonna give me a heart attack"
"It's Yenin he's hurt bad" I say to her with tears in my eyes.
She rushes in the room and sees him
"Come help me tek him up" We try picking up Yenin, Ajay takes his legs but as soon as I pick up his arm he cries out which made more people come to the dorm including Makoa.

Ajay: Makoa you have to throw him over your shoulder

Makoa: Of course. Come on bruddah I got you.

Natalie: Makoa picks up Yenin and takes him to the hospital inside the complex. Ajay cleans his chest wound and fixes his arm and hooks him up to a machine much like D.O.C and says he'll be fine tomorrow. She tells me that I can stay with him so I do. I stay there watching him as he slowly heals.
I sit there with him holding his hand, well, the one that's not broken and with him I can finally sleep.

Time skip to in the morning.

Natalie: I wake up still in the chair right next to Yenin and sit there looking at his face. He looks peaceful then he grips my hand tight in his sleep and the machine starts beeping faster and faster. I panic and run to get Ajay. We come back to see a awakened Yenin and me and Ajay let out a sigh of relief.

Present time

Ghost: I look around for a while at the rain on the window then I hear a pair of footsteps coming fast. I feared for the worst until I saw Nat and Ajay come in. They see me and relax then Ajay starts to ask me some questions about what happened and obviously I can't tell the truth so I tell her this.

Ajay: Yenin do you remember what happened to you?

Ghost: "Yeah I mean no,I mean yeah." I got jumped when I was coming back to the complex and they broke my arm.'and cut me on the chest right here. I point to my chest but there's no scar.
"Never mind I guess they didn't cut me"
"But my arm is *Realization* not broken either"

Ajay: Don't worry I patched you up. You should be good as new in a few hours but you need rest.

Ghost: "Sure thing doc." Ajay leaves but Natalie stays to talk to me.

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