We're one in the same

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Ghost: Everything is black I feel light then I see a flash of light and I see it, that night and I see them

Come with me kid and I won't hurt her
"Don't do it Yenin" I hear my mother's scream
I stand there shaking then I cloak and I burst through the window and run

As the glass falls, tears fall from the me that's watching the scenario take place.

I see myself run away and fade into nothingness. This is the point where I'm running and I hear two gunshots behind me but I don't turn back, this time I look back to the house where he has my mom and my brother

Well if he's not gonna come *the soldier cocks the gun

"No" I whisper to myself as I'm forced to watch him pull the trigger on my brother then my mom with tears in my eyes


*GASP, and I wake up on a bed with Natalie right beside me on a chair.

Natalie: After I won that match and zapped Yenin my squad got onto the dropship and all the other legends congratulate me and and my teammates on our victory ,except revenant of course,he's such a meanie. I look around but I don't see Yenin so I ask bloodhound if they've seen him.They tell me that he's still in the med bay on the ship, he's alive just asleep. I go check on him and his vitals are fine, I think it's just because it's the first time he's "died". I remember the first time I "died" I had a vision of me and papa and I was out longer than the other legends. Once I know that he's fine I go back to the other legends and talk to them about the match we had.

Some time passes and we're landing back at the apex complex.I still don't see Yenin so I go back to the med bay and he's still there, I look at him and he looks different he's sweating and there's tears in his eyes. We're back at the apex complex and we have to get off the ship now and so try to lift Yenin but he's too heavy so I get Makoa to lift him and take him to our dorm. He looks so lifeless in Makoas arms due to his arms swaying as he's carrying him.

He puts him in his room on the bed and leaves me with him.

I sit there looking at him,he looks like he's in pain and he's crying in his sleep and I can't help but feel bad for zapping him even though he's not hurt, well physically at least.

It was getting pretty late of me sitting there with him so I start snoozing of at around 8:30 in the chair then his gasping wakes me up

Ghost: GASP* I shoot awake* what happened am I dead.

Natalie: I wake up from hearing him gasp
"Oh thank god you're awake,you were starting to scare me" I say to him

Ghost:Oh sorry how long have I been "out"

Natalie:For about 7 hours

Ghost: "Oh my god" I say surprised
"Is that normal?" I ask her
"Umm yes for some of us" she tells me
"Ok" I tell her and try to get up but she holds me down to the bed
"Woah woah woah what are you doing are you okay"
"Yeah why wouldn't I be?"
"I was here the whole time you were sleeping,you were crying and sweating and you looked like your were in pain, what did you see when you were out?" She asks me

As she tell me this I realize how sweaty I am and the dried tears on my face and i try to escape from telling her.

"Nothing I'm fine" I lie to her but she sees through my bullshit

At this point she grabs my hand and holds it
"Yenin please, what did you see"

I let out a loud sigh and tell her while she's still holding my hand.

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