Tour- Shooting range/Pool/Gym

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Ghost: We leave the training room and go over to the shooting range not far from the training room and I already hear gunfire inside.We go inside and I see this other girl already shooting weapons and training, she doesn't use headphones as the guns here at that loud so she hears us all come in and looks over to us and puts down her R-3o1.

Wattson: This is one of ze other legends, Bangalore.

Bangalore: I spot the guys 3 o clock and see the rookie come in with em. I lay down my R-3 but keep my p-2020 on my side just in case revenant tries anything stupid, I don't trust him never have never will after I heard about what he did to Loba parents. Wattson call me out to the new guy and I go over there and greet him
"Bangalore pleasure to meet you" he says
"Please call me Anita when we're not in the field"
"I hear Natalie's taking you on a tour of the place"
"Yea she is" he says
"We'll armory isn't her strong suit and this place is my playground sow let me run you through our weapons"
You got different ammo types
-sniper and energy

Ghost: Looks like Anita knows her weapons she runs me through the weapons they have and one catches my eye, the wingman so I pick it up
"Good choice powerful pistol headshots are devastating"
You don't say
"You ever use anything like it"
Yea I have one just like it
"Good" she says
She flicks a switch on the side and it changes to my wingman skin

Ghost: Looks like Anita knows her weapons she runs me through the weapons they have and one catches my eye, the wingman so I pick it up "Good choice powerful pistol headshots are devastating"You don't say "You ever use anything like it"Yea I have ...

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I get in one of the station and fire at some of the targets I hit some and Anita calls me out for being good for a rookie

Revenant: Hey rookie try this, Skull-piercer hop up ,my favorite.

Ghost: He tosses me a gold chip and I slide it in on the side of the wing man. I fire at the dummies head and take it out in two shots
"Not bad" I tell him
I'll spend a lot of time in here
"Look like me and you will have a lot of "quality time" together *creepy laugh*

Ghost:* shivers*
Anyways Natalie take us to the gym with all the weights and machines.

Natalie:This is ze gym us legends need to stay in shape

Octane: *nudges Ghost shoulder*All of us except Gibbs and Caustic am I right amigo.

Ghost: Funny

Natalie: What was zat

Octane:Nothing wats
Ghost: She takes us up another floor and we get to the indoor pool she opens up-the skylight that lets in sun for us whenever we want to use it.

Wattson: And zat concludes our tour

Octane: Uhhh finally this took forever.. oh not it was boring Nat but do we really have to do this every time I mean co-*ajay grabs octane from the back and cover hits mouth and hits him on the head

Ajay: Thank for touring de new kid Natalie

Ghost: All the legends leave and Octanes legs are scraping the floor because Ajay is pulling him out against his will come to think of of there's a couple of scrapes that I've noticed maybe those were all him and her. Anyway so they leave, leaving me and Nat by the pool.

"So what now?" I ask
" Now I take you to ze science lab" She says
We get in the elevator and get on the floor with the science lab.
"Woooaaahhhh" I say amazed at all the high tech equipment they have.
"Awesome right" she says
We start walking and I get a look at each of the legends work stations were they work on their and i see two other people, a big scientist guy and this other Korean dude working on a drone
Oh these must be the other legends I say to her. I go up to the scientist guy and he goes

???:Ahh a new test subject
I'm already getting crazy scientist vibes from this dude
Natalie: This is Dr Caustic he's like a mad scientist

Caustic: I already told you Ms. Paquette, my methods are only controversial to those who lack imagination.

Ghost: Nice to meet you .. I guess

Crypto: Ahh another idiot
Ghost: Great a dick with a tiny dick*cause Asian people have small dicks ANyWayS

We leave and we get in the elevator and I ask Natalie
"Why did you "conclude the tour" then tour me to the science lab"
"Oh I don't trust octane and everybody in ze lab all at once"
Oh that make sense I say to her.
We go back to the cafeteria to get some dinner and start walking back to our dorm, A more silent walk i might add, we get to our dorm and I break the silence. Wanna tell me why your so quiet?
"Just wondering"
My heart jumps at her comment ,I think I know why but I'm not ready to admit it to myself yet or her, cuz I just met her.

Natalie: So was I a good tour guide? I ask a little smirky

Ghost:"Yeah you were pretty good" i say but I'm not rating her touring

Natalie: "Joy" I say and clap my hands
Ghost: Your excited
Natalie: Oh sorry I can't help it when I'm exited.

Ghost: "it's okay" i say to her and go back to my room to get some sleep as we were touring the place all day. I get to my room and tell her goodnight and she tells me she'll take me shopping tomorrow with Loba and the rest of the girls, I tell ok close my door, take of my suit and fall into my bed

Natalie:I go back to my room and I close the door and put my back against it and slide down it
"I think I have a crush on the new guy"I think to myself. He's so kind and cute but I just met him so think I'll just play it cool, I mean what if he doesn't like me back or what if he already like one of the other legends. I shake the toughts away from my head and drop it for now so I brush my teeth shower and go to sleep

-Tomorrow is a new day

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