Drinks-The man that Broke me

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Ghost: Me and Natalie are still away from the group talking.
"Are you sure that's him" she asks
"Yeah I remember his face well, too well" I say still looking at him.
"What are you going to do?"
"I have to avenge my mom"
"WHAT NO you can't do that he's like one of the heads of the games. He's the one that hired some of us including Rampart." She says to me
"That doesn't matter I'm still gonna ki"- she slaps me cutting me off.
"Yenin promise me you won't kill him"
"But Nat-"
"Yenin promise me, please" she looks up at me and begs
"*Sigh*I promise" I say in defeat and we go back to the table.

"Something wrong" Blisk asks us
"No I was just talking to Nat about the games" Yeah that was a lie obviously.

"Speaking of the games, Ghost, I wanna know about you. How many wins did ya knock out?"

"Three out of five, sir"
"Not bad, your some killer John"he says. He asks me a few more questions much to my disliking but eventually he gets a phone call and moves away from the table. While he was here I never took my eyes off of him, just picture killing him in every way.

This gives me a chance to talk to all the other legends about him and tell them not to tell him anything about me.they give me the same response as Nat as in how I'm sure that's the guy and that I can't touch him because he'd probably kill me. I don't let it faze me, I could take him. Boy was I wrong.He comes back to the table.

"All right lads I've got some business to take care of drinks are on me tonight be back in an hour " he says to all of us. With that being said we all leave and go back to our rooms to get ready.

I get back to my room and sit on my bed and think about what just happened. I met the guy that killed my mom, he doesn't recognize me and I'm supposed to let that go, Yeah no. I'm doing it tonight after the bar.

I put of my suit first then put on a jacket to cover the top part of my suit. The pants are okay. After he takes us drinking I'm gonna follow him and take him down but first theirs something I need to know.

Fast forward to going to the bar.

We all get down to the lobby and meet Blisk again then we walk to what I assume is mirages bar because when we get there he goes behind the counter. All the legends take a seat and I sit as far as I can from Blisk. "How come he didn't do anything. Did he really not recognize me?" I think to myself.I guess alot's changed since that night. No ones talking yet but it's actually amazing what a couple drinks can do to someone. Everyone starts drinking including Nat which I didn't take for a drinker. The only thing I really took was a Jell-O shot and a small amount of whiskey, I gotta keep steady for later. I guess Blisk is a heavy drinker because he's took four glasses of whiskey and he doesn't even look swayed.

A couple rounds later and some the guys (and girls) are very tipsy. Eventually after some very intimate conversations of drunks Blisk decides it a good idea to pack it up before some of us does anything rash. The only competent people are crypto, Elliot and Loba so i'll strike a deal with her.

We walk outside, well,walk ,stumble same thing , and Blisk says he'll be by the complex tomorrow. I go along with this saying
"Oh yeah well catch you tomorrow and I confront Loba.
"Hey Loba can I ask a favor?"
"Anything for you beautiful"
"Can you take Nat home? I have something I need to do"
"Sure thing"
I hand her Wattson and leave to start following Blisk but she doesn't know that, none of them do.

I stand near the bar and wait till none of the legends are in sight. Once they're not I use my gloves and shoes to scale the wall and use the the roof tops to make it harder for him to know I'm following him. Once I'm on the roof I put on my helmet and keep following him. This guys an expert so it'd be a good idea to cloak just to be on the safe side.

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