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Two days after Changes and scars.

Ghost: Things have been really good with Nat, like really good in the last two days and now we're probably gonna have to kill each other.
I get up brush my teeth and put on my suit gloves and shoes and pick up my helmet.
I look in the mirror and look at myself
"Come on Yenin you can do this"
I get out my room and i see Makoa but no Nat. She's probably already gone

"Let's go bruddah, it's time to shine"
"Yeah let's go" i tell him.

We get to the cafeteria and get something from the counter and go over to the other legends. Everyone's at the table except Rev,he's leaning against the wall in his demon skull outfit
"Badass if you ask me" but I guess thats how he usually is

Octavio: "Hey amigo you pumped for the game or what?"

Ghost:"Yeah this time I'm winning whatever it takes."
I eat and I'm sitting between Loba and octane so Loba nudges me

Loba: So how are things with Nat
Ghost: "Good, like really good." I say to her

Attention all legends to the drop ship

I throat down the rest of my food and we get to the dropship on the roof and takeoff. I wouldn't say I usually sit next to Nat on the ship because I've only been on it once but this time I sit by myself thinking.
"On one hand i wanna win but on the other hand I don't wanna shoot Nat, im so screwed" I think and hold my head down. I guess my frustration is pretty noticeable because as I'm holding my head down I feel Nat come sit down next to me

Natalie: Yenin doesn't look to good sitting by himself so I break away from pathfinder and go sit next to him
"Yenin are you okay?"
"Huh?,yeah just thinking"
"About what?"
"On one hand I want to win but on the other I don't wanna shoot you" he tells me

"*Sigh i was afraid of this"
I hold his hand and tell him
"It's okay,to win you have to do whatever it takes, that's just how it is."
"I know but"- i turn his head to me and hold his cheeks with my hands
"Yenin promise me you won't hold back"
"*Sigh I promise" He promises and I kiss him maybe I shouldn't have done that in front of Dr Caustic but I don't think a lot of people noticed.

Ghost: Natalie gave me a pep talk and kisses me, rubs my head then goes back to pathfinder and Loba comes over to me

Loba: "You weren't kidding when you said things were good" she laughs

Ghost: "Yea, wait you didn't tell anyone about me and Nat did you?"
"It's not my secret to tell" she tells me
"Thanks." I tell her

Approaching drop zone
Team 1: Wattson,Bloodhound,Caustic
Team 2: Revenant, Bangalore,Mirage
Team4: Octane,Lifeline,Gibraltar
Team5: Crypto,Pathfinder

Prepare for the drop

Ghost:Alright let's do this. We get to the platforms and they lower us beneath the dropship.

"All right were to"

Wraith:Capital City

Ghost:Note to self don't ask wraith we're to go.I see Natalie's squad jump off over at thermal station so we have some distance between us but I'm off to Capitol with wraith. As were coming down I see a couple of bots and Octanes squad. I land at the broken building near the bridge and find a Mozambique with a wing man. As I'm inspecting it wraith calls out
"Ghost grenade!"
As soon as she says that I see a grenade come in but I run out easily and get shot by octane. He starts chasing me and I know I can't outrun him so while he's not looking I jump up to one of the walls and wait for him to run by and gun him down with my wingman.

The Apex Legend Experience(Wattson x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now