The Gala(Prep)

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Authors note:Why no I did not get this idea from : "Remedy a WraithxMirage story" by supershipperhannah

Loba: I wake up shower brush my teeth and get dressed and make somthing to eat and before I can sit down

Attention calling Ms Andrade and Mr Witt to the main office I repeat calling Loba and Mirage to the main office

I live alone which I don't mind because I have more space to put my things and I can wear what I want when I want so it's pretty much a penthouse for me and now I'm worried that thier gonna have me move in with one of the other legends worst of all him.

But I shake the thought and head to the main office.

I get there and it's me and Elliot and Natasha

Natasha: So Ms Andrade we are aware of your expertise in make up design and character manipulation with the use of "your ass and tits" "I'm joking they didn't say that" with the use of your assets and we are well aware of how you present yourself in your day to day life that's why we have tasked you and mr Witt with attiring the legends for tonight's Gala.
You can choose to accept or-

Loba: "I accept" I cut her off

Natasha:Good, we will have to have you accompany Yenin ghost as his date,that is all

Loba: This should be fun and I teleport back to my room.
"Oh how ever am I going to break the news to Natalie, I hope she didn't already make reservations with Yenin"

Ghost: I wake up with Loba in my room searching through the shopping bags I had filling my room from the other day.

"Oh come on I know I bought a suit, where is it" she says to herself with her back turned to me.

"Ahem" I clear my throat which makes her jump
"Oh good morning beautiful"she says nice and casual
"What are you doing?"I ask her
"Oh, I've been tasked with attiring some of the legends for the Gala tonight namely
You,Natalie, Makoa, Octavio, Caustic and The Demonio ;ugh" she shivers just thinking about it. And luckily for you I'm supposed to be your date and I've already sorted the rest so I'm left with you now.

Ghost: "Oh no"I think to myself
"That's gonna be a problem" I say to her

"What? don't know how to dance? I teach" she motions her hand to her chest
Not like that you pervs

"Nat already asked me to be her date, JUST AS FRIENDS THO"

"Aw you poor baby, well it's mandatory that I show up with you so your gonna have to break the news to her and hope it doesn't kill her"

"Your kidding" I say to her
"Darling I never kid"

I sigh in defeat and me and Loba find the suit she bought for me and try it on and such

Meanwhile in octavios dorm

Meanwhile in octavios dorm

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