Third game-Droping the pain

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Ghost: that training yesterday got me so tired that I fell asleep as soon I got back to my room dorm.


Natalie: I thought Yenin would be up by now, I guess that training tired him out. I knock on the door to see him get up but I get no answer so I go inside and see him completely passed out on his bed so I go beside him and try and wake him up.

"Yenin *I shove him a little* Yenin"
"Yeah" he mutters still asleep
"You have to wake up, we have a match in 30 mins" I say to him
"Oh,give me an hour"
I let out a frustrated groan then get an idea. I grab him lift him up and kiss him. That definitely woke him up and I mean ALL of him.

"What are you doing I haven't brushed my teeth"
"It doesn't matter your awake"

Ghost: Natalie wakes me up with a kiss and tells me we have a match in an hour.
"You need to get an alarm clock"she tells me.
"I could... or you could just keep kissing me to wake me up" I say as I kiss her again.
"What do you think?"
"like that" she smiles and gives me a quick peck again.
"But now we have to go" And she takes my suit and throws it on me.I put on my suit and Natalie watches.
"You could turn away ya know"
"I like watching you "she says to me. Ok that's kinky but ok. We leave the dorm,grab a quick bite to eat at the cafeteria and get onto the dropship. We get on and take off and I stay close to Natalie and mirage listening to him tell some bullshit story. How to I know it's bullshit?well let me tell you; riding a flyer; OK bloodhound, but whatever.We finally get to worlds edge and the announcer speaks up

Approaching drop zone
Team3:Ghost, Wattson,Bangalore
Team4: Gibraltar,Lifeline,Wraith


I finally get Natalie on my team and there's no way I'm losing this game

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I finally get Natalie on my team and there's no way I'm losing this game.We all group up and I get with Natalie.
"I guess we're on a team now, finally"
"Oui just make sure you can keep up" she says to me.
"Aren't you supposed to be the slow type" and she laughs.
"Hey love birds focus up we're dropping" Bangalore breaks us in of reality

Prepare for the drop

We get down on the platforms and they lower us into worlds edge on the snow side and the cold wind rushing in definitely wakes me up.

"Come on we're going to Epicenter" Bangalore says to us.
"Where's that?"
"That giant tower.. jump NOW!" She shouts and we're off.Oh yeah octane was right,this part never gets old.

I land at the very top of the tower and grab a level one body shield but no weapon. "Oscar mike, I'm gettin shot at" Bangalore yells but I'm not really in a position to help but theirs no way I'm dying at the start, not like this especially since I just got Natalie on my team.Since I don't have a weapon I'll have to use my fists so I wait for someone to get below me and I'll get the drop on them. I see Caustic and I jump from 40 feet and lands my feet on his back shoulder, ramming him into the ground.I beat him while he's down to knock and kill him and take his shit.

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