Prologue- When they came for me

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Ghost's P.O.V: I was at home when it happened when the IMC came for me,for my power. My mom used to tell I had a special "gift" that no one else had and that people would want and that they would come for me and take me from her and my brother. She never told me what the power was or how to activate it in fear of them finding me quicker (kinda ironic). Me and my brother were chilling on the couch talking about what we would do with our future, we got on the topic of the apex games, the new and upcoming bloodsport were people with awesome abilities competed for fame and glory or money and a skill test. Not too long after I heard a knock on the door and my mom went to answer it.(Our living room was a little walk from the front door so we could se who was at the door but it was hard for them to see us)

Soldier 1: Ma'am is this the Clark residence? We've come for your son *looks down on paper* Yenin?

Let's call my mother umm I actually don't have a name for her come up with one

My Mom: "No it isn't actually" she said I can point in the right direction though, it's three houses down.

(Y/N)/Yenin P.O.V: Hmm this is the Clark residence why'd she lie? Unless... Oh shit.

Soldier 2: Sorry to be a bother ma'am enjoy the rest of your evening.

My Mom: Oh don't worry about it

Ghost P.O.V: After they turned their back my mom shut the door and ran over to me and my brother "Get up now" she said she grabbed me and my brother and carried me up to our room.

My mom: Alright here's the deal those guys are gonna be back in a few minutes Yenin so put this on

Ghost: She pulled out a suit case with a suit in it that my father left for me. She told me how to activate my power. I crossed my arms with a rock symbol and my skin started to become see through "Woah" I thought to myself. "No time to be surprised" she said

My brother: Sick!

Ghost P.O.V : He high fives me because he could still barely see me and my skin returned to normal

My Mom: "DONT TOUCH HIM" she shouted. Do it again and go under the bed.

No ones P.O.V : There was another knock on the door this time it was a lot louder


*BOOM BOOM BOOM* Upon up we know you have him just hand him over or we'll take him by force choose

Ghost POV : They kicked down the door and came in or they must have cuz I heard it after that they started questioning my mom and my brother *they didn't break* so the soldier hit them "Oh hell no" I thought

3rd person POV: The soldiers started to search the house kicking down every door it was about three of them so they did it quickly.

Soldier 1 : Were is he

Mom: You'll never get him

Meanwhile: One the soldiers were searching and they finally got to my room and looked under the bed he looked right at me and didn't see me "Cool" I thought. I got up from under the bed and got me and my brother wingman
We had bought one and hadn't told our mom and kept it just for something like this

 I got up from under the bed and got me and my brother wingmanWe had bought one and hadn't told our mom and kept it just for something like this

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This will be his favorite weapon for the games

Ghost: Once i found the weapon I slowly sneaked up behind the soldier in the hallway lined him up *BOOM*

Soldier 1: What was that? "You go check that out-

Soldier 3: Yes sir

Ghost: You're next motherfucker.Come up those stairs I dare you. I stand at the end of the hallway waiting for him to come up. As soon as I see him *BOOM*he falls back down the stairs and the main soldier stands their wide eyed.
I go down un-cloak and see him their holding my mother and I see the bruise on her face and I get filled with rage.
He pulls out a pistol just like mine and points it at my mom and tells me to come quietly. I know if I try anything he'll shoot her but he's not taking me I know what they'll do to me, so I cloak and jumped out the window and ran. Since that day I never stopped running,never looked back and disappeared,I became a GHOST I was hit the reality life and did whatever I needed to survive until I found myself at the apex games.

Que the music they play in the story's from the out-lands if you want you can check this on YouTube Apex legends stories from the out-lands the old ways time 9:32 the sound the play there.

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