Chilled(mini smut)

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Ghost: I wake up after sleeping a lot better than I did yesterday, I guess the A/C is fixed so
we*moan* OH SHIT. I look over to my left and am met with a shirtless, pants less, bra less, Natalie and the memories from last night come flooding in. I smile at how peaceful she looks, not really wanting to disturb her but(hmm I said but, aNywaYS) she eventually turns over to me and opens her eyes slightly.

Natalie: I wake up and realize this isn't my room and that I'm really sweaty. I turn over to see Yenin looking at me and remember why I am the way I am.

"Good morning Nat"
"Morning Yenin" I say with my eyes closed, still pretty tired. I open my eyes after a while to see Yenin just looking at me,smiling.
"What is it?" I ask him.

Ghost:"Nothing you just look really peaceful when you're sleeping and there's the whole fact that you're naked right now" she giggles and smiles then snuggles her head next to the pillow

With her eyes closed she tells me"*sigh* mmm Yenin I love your jokes,I love being around you,I love your hair, I love your smile, I love the way you kiss me and talk to me, *sigh*Yenin I love you.After Natalie lets everything out I get this deep feeling in my heart. I knew she liked me, like really liked me but no ones ever told me they "loved"me in six years so when Nat tells me I can't help but be stunned and shed a tear. She reopens her eyes and looks right at me with a very relaxed expression and I look right back into hers.

"What's wrong?" she asks noticing my tear.
"Nothing it's just that*wipes tear* no ones told me that they "loved" me in six years so.
She takes her hand and puts it on my cheek and kisses me. It's a lot more passionate than before which makes it a lot better with her soft lips. I pull her into a hug and because were so close I can feel her heart beating right on my chest. She pulls away and rests her hand on my chest and I hold her head.

After a decent amount of time i break the silence and start tapping on her back to the rhythm of her heartbeat
"Dm dm dm dm dm, dm dm dm, dm dm dm dm"(you get the idea)"
"What are you doing?"
"Oh things got quiet so I started tapping your heartbeat" she giggles and still lays there.

A little while longer my member starts to poke her since she literally has her boobs against my chest and her vagina is right against my dick.She notices and starts to grind on me.

"What are you doing?" I ask her"Nothing" she says and smirks*I moan slightly* "part of you is" "I know, I can't help it" and she giggles

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"What are you doing?" I ask her
"Nothing" she says and smirks
*I moan slightly* "part of you is"
"I know, I can't help it" and she giggles.She grinds some more and I get a grip.
"No we have to take a shower and get something to eat." I say to her. Do you want to shower first or you want me to go first.

"You go I'll just lay here". "okay". I grab a towel and head to the bathroom and start showering and just think.Wow I definitely could've gotten laid ,again,oh well.

A few minutes later I feel wattsons hands run across me and down to my dick and starts stroking me.
"Ok your asking for trouble" I say to her and turn around and start kissing her. She keeps stroking me and I can't control myself so I pick her up by her legs and push her against the wall, not rough that I hurt her but enough for her to giggle.

I waste no time and start thrusting into her.I go as deep as I can and her wetness from griding on me makes it a lot easier.
She has her hands on my head holding me for support so she doesn't fall and I keep my hands on her ass.

Natalie: Yenin has me pinned on the bathroom wall, well I guess I got myself in this situation so I can't complain just moan
"Oh my god Yenin"
"What is it?"
"Don't mmm, don't stop"
I keep moving my hands all over his body, I can't keep still with this sensation spreading from my pussy to all over my body.

After a few more minutes of hard but fast thrusting he slows down and I feel my leg start to shake and I squirt a little on him but not quite done. He puts me down

"Nat are you okay you're shaking"
"No keep going I'm close, I can feel it"

Ghost: I keep thrusting into Natalie even those she's shaking ,I think she's close to cumming because her moans get louder and louder. I don't want Makoa to hear us so I kiss her so she just moans in my mouth and even then she's loud.I wish her nails weren't so sharp because she's digging them into my back.

"Yenin, I can *pant* I can FEEL IT" she says as she cums all over my dick. I go a few more thrusts and I explode inside Natalie.She has her hands around my neck and I can feel her grip loosening on me. She giggles and kisses me "I love that too" she says to me.We actually shower now and I wash of the blood from Natalies claw marks and she washes herself clean from my mess with slight pleasure to herself.

We get out and change and get out of the dorm and get to the cafeteria and get something to eat.We get to the table with the other legends and we start talking.

Octane: So guys I hear theirs gonna be a new guy in two weeks.

Bangalore: New girl actually and her name is Rampart ; street tough mechanic with a lot of utility and fire power and she's being accompanied by Blisk himself.

Ghost: "Who's Blisk." I ask and the room goes quiet.

Bangalore: You don't know who Kuben Blisk is?

Ghost: I shake my head

Bangalore: Well let me fill you in.Kuben Blisk is a South African mercenary Pilot who served in the IMC's forces as a ranking commander and contracted mercenary. He is the leader of the Apex Predators, an infamous outfit of ruthless freelance Pilots.

Ghost:Never heard of him.

Oh how wrong I was.

Revenant: Those are the real killers. Real nice guys if you ask me.

Bangalore: Shut up you wouldn't know nice if it shot you in the face.

Revenant shoots up and gets into Bangalore's face


Ghost: Oh yeah we have a game tomorrow I should probably start training for that. And so I did ,some of us namely me Natalie, octane, bloodhound and wraith went to the firing range and practiced our aim and abilities for the game tomorrow.

Authors note: I posted this by accident yesterday, I honestly don't know how, but it was unfinished and I took it down to finish working on it so sorry for the 1 person that saw it ......I'm sorry 😐 .Next parts are gonna be focused three more matches then I'm gonna add rampart to the story(she won't play a big part not that I don't care about her but because I want to focus n ghost and Blisk.)

And yeah I took Bangalore's description of Blisk of google I don't who the fuck he is I ain't never play titan fall so yeah

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