The face of a murderer

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Ghost: I've been a legend for a month now and the season was ending meaning thier was going to be a new legend here tomorrow and some changes to worlds edge.Apparently "The great Kuben Blisk" would also be coming in tomorrow to see how the games were going and to meet me. I can't say I wasn't anticipating him after all the great things the other legends said about him. Little did I know meeting him would be nothing I expected.


Ghost: I woke up more excited than usual because we were gonna have a new legend today. I took a shower,checked to see if Nat was in her room but she wasn't so I made breakfast and headed out to see if the new legend was already here. Upon arriving at the cafeteria where I thought everyone would be it was pretty empty, like ghost town empty. I stood there a little stunned until I felt a rumble beneath my feet. I got down to the ground and pressed my ear against the ground to hear it and I did.Rapid fire rumbling. The floor below this one is the firing range so I went to check it out.

When I got here I was met with all the legends(that I know) surrounding a woman on a mini gun firing on some dummies.

I go over to the crowed and make my presence known.
"Damn that thing looks dangerous" I say when she stops firing.
"I don't believe we've met Umm" I say trying to get her name.

"Ooo introductions, I love this. I'm rampart and this bad girl is shiela and you would be"

"The names Yenin- Ghost- Nano tech Ninja"I say to her.
"Nice to meet ya mate, but just so we're clear, IM NOT HERE TO FUCK SPIDERS."

Me and her hold a serious look then she breaks out laughing which I thought was pretty funny so I laughed a little.

"So I already know about these guys and the psycho robot but what can you do, Ghost?"

Ghost: As soon as she ask me "what I can do" I jump up to the roof.
Like this

If you've ever seen this movie you know how he does it

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If you've ever seen this movie you know how he does it.

"Is that all?" She asks. And then I cloak and walk from the where I was to her turret while talking.

"Pretty sweet right, I'm like a spider. I was thinking about makeing that my name but I thought ghost was cooler and after all that's what I am. But anyways *i de cloak and drop on the turret*Nice turret.

"I admit I'm impressed but get off my turret"
"Oh sorry about that"
"It's all right mate" she assures me.

Safe to say this encounter went well, or as well as it could but it's safe to say I'm off to a nice start with Rampart( Ramea Pareck) (something like that idk.)
There was also some changes to the shields system that I hate now it just makes it easier for guys like me and octane to die. And my first game proved my point.

Skip to first game of season 7 *whispers* (it's actually season 6 but my story is a cut of bullshit) ANYWAYS

The squads were announced and it was me Octane and Mirage (THE THREE AMIGOS). I'm not saying that this wasn't a good squad but not ideal for what happened.

We jumped as quick as we could to the hot spot(yes the literal hot spot) we droped at thermal station so I'm a little of my game because of the heat.

We were able to take out a few squads with me going down once but as soon I met up with Rampart's squad in Harvester I should have just made them let me bleed out.

So we get to Harvester after bamboozling a few people at thermal station and I see something I've never seen before in the distance. I notice a orange light and the closer I got to it more footsteps I heard. I got within 20 feet going up the ramp to get to the upper level of harvester then I hear Rampart's gun spinning up and bullets unload into me taking me down with ease. Thier squad had caustic and Bloodhound so flanking them wasn't an option for Octane and Mirage because when the tried they got shot through another shield with the new volt smg.

And yeah,that was that game for me because before I could self revive myself rampart came over to me and put her turret down and I was riddle with however big those bullets are.

*GASP* I wake up on the dropship's med bay after being shredded by that turret, God I don't wanna know what that feels like again.Damn without Natalie it's pretty boring on the dropship. I guess I'll have to find someway to entertain myself

(And I just realized I've never had any mention of a phone of any kind so the phone he has will now can be any smartphone you want and have all the legends number , except for you know revenant and pathfinder, they don't need phones they make calls with thier brain? Idk okay just shut up)

I take out my phone and get on YouTube to entertain myself until the games ended. I lost track of time because before I knew it,Natalie and her squad came from the med bay.

"Oh hey Nat, you lost too huh?" I ask her
"Yeah Rampart got me. She actually won and we should be picking her up no-, WOAH"

The ship shakes making us lose balance. I think it's moving to pick up Ramparts team.We get her and congratulate her on winning her first game. We get back to the complex and hit the showers. And go to the cafeteria and this is where things get interesting.

Me and Natalie get to the cafeteria and everyone's around our big main table talking about our game today and having a good time.
A few minutes later Rampart gets a call and takes it then talks to us
"Give me a sec guys we got a package" she leaves and we keep talking.

A few minutes later she comes back and i don't look up, in fact no one looks up until she announces
"All right mates the main man himself Kuben Blisk"
Everyone turn to see him but when see him I blank out.
That face, i remember that face, the dirtbag soldier that shot my mom and my brother.
Just like that all the memories of that night became crystal clear but he-*SNAP *SNAP. I'm pulled out of thought when he snaps in my face.

"You alright Mr- GHOST!, it's Ghost I say to him.
"What about your real name?" He asks me. Are you fucking kidding me? This guy came for me,killed by mom and doesn't remember my face or my name. I guess I didn't realize I didn't answer his question because Natalie tries to answer for me but I cut her of

"He's Ye-she tries to say "Johnathan Doelain" I cut her off. Telling him my real would probably jog his old ass memory.Bangalore sparks up a conversation with him and I take away Nat from the group.

"Hey Natalie can I talk to you for a second" and I grab her arm and pull her to the side where no one can hear me. I didn't even realize what I was doing because I was still holding onto her arm tighter than usual.

"Yenin your hurting me" she whimpers and I let go and apologize.
"Look Nat you can't tell this guy my name or anything about me"
"Why not she asks"
"Because Nat* I look over to him at the table*
That's the guy that killed my brother and my mom."

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