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Ghost: I woke up with the sun hitting my face from the glass window wall.I didn't close it cuz I fell asleep before doing anything. I just stayed there thinking that this is the first good sleep I've had since that evening. But anyway a few moments later I got up brushed my teeth and put on my suit and gloves and shoes I didn't put on my helmet/mask since I didn't think I'll need it and so I put it on my desk for a little decoration I smiled at it cuz it looked good.
A few moments later I heard a knock on the door I wasn't expecting anyone but I opened it anyways and saw Natalie standing there rubbing her eyes, she was wearing a green onesie that looked like a cute little dinosaur

Natalie: *yawn* oh good morning Yenin I didn't think you'd be dressed yet *yawn*.

Ghost: So you thought I'd be naked

Natalie: No no no no I just thought I'd check on you because Im supposed to to tour you and I want you to get to know the other legends. Anyway why are you wearing zat

Ghost: Wearing what?
"That cool outfit" she says
"Oh this is my battle gear, my dad left it for me"
"Why are you wearing that?" I asked
"Oh this, I zleep in it, it is very comfortable"
"Aren't you a little too old for that?" Is ask
"Yes but it's either zis or I sleep in my underwear and i like wearing zis more, anyway I'm going to get dressed to tour you around and meet ze other legends."

Natalie: I go back to my room all giddy and excited I pick out something nice to wear,brush my teeth,comb my hair the usual, I can't wait for Yenin to meet everyone well maybe not EVERYone but I'll be his tour guide I remember when I came to ze games and Mr.Nox was my tour guide.

Ghost: I sit and wait in the living room for Natalie to come out when Makoa comes out and greets me he's like the uncle I never had
"Mornin bruddah it's a new day, what you up too" he asks me
"Oh I'm just waiting for Natalie to come out she's gonna be my "tour guide" I respond
"Ok cool bruddah,well I'm gonna go tour the cafeteria and get something to eat, catch you later,

Finally Natalie comes out and she looks gorgeous

Authors note: For me she gonna wear casual clothing like this for now

She comes up to me and smiles, you look good I say to her "thanks" she responds

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She comes up to me and smiles, you look good I say to her "thanks" she responds.And boom I have a crush on her but I'll just take it easy for now while she shows me around

Natalie: Are you going to wear your gear every where? I ask

Ghost: Oh I kinda don't have any other clothes aside from what I wore yesterday

Natalie: Well I guess I'll have to take you shopping and get you something more normal I guess but for now let's go

Ghost: She takes me out to the hall and we start talking about all the stuff they have here

Natalie: So first we have a cafeteria you must be hungry so we'll get breakfast there. That's we're most of the legends hang out in most of there spare time to keep each other company

Ghost: She takes me down a floor and we get to the cafeteria nice design just like the whole building but the smell of food hits my nose. I want to get something to eat but she pulls me over to this big table with all these other people
"These are ze legends my "family"
They all turn their heads to us but I can feel them all looking at me, some pretty interesting characters

???: Finally what took you so long amigo,* nudges Gibraltar*Uh this is him right Gibbs

This one Spanish guy in a really cool mask speaks up he looks crazy with the way he's kinda twitching and kinda spazzing. That's not the crazy part though he gets up and walks over to me and I get a good look at his legs, Their robotic.
Woah are you alright I ask him, I point at his legs

???: Oh these cool right,names Octane, what's yours "Ghost" I respond, woah awesome

???:Check out the new guy stealing all the spotlight and we don't know your name

Ghost: You tell me yours first

???: I asked first

Ghost:And I asked second,two is a bigger number than one so what's your name

???: Mirage but you can call me Elliot

Ghost: I'm Ghost but you guys can call me Yenin

???: Can I call you handsome too?

Ghost: Huh

Loba: Names Loba but you can call me anytime or Loba if you like.

Ghost: Ok Loba. I take a seat and start talking to the other legends as well I start looking at this other person I can't see their face as it's covered by a gas mask so I ask them
"What's with the mask? Ummm

Bloodhound: I am bluthhundr you can call me bloodhound. I am the hunter the gods have sent and as for my mask I keep it for personal reasons

Ghost: "Okaaay" I say a little confused

Lifeline: Don't winge bout them, names lifeline but you can call me Ajay. Pleasure.(like to meet him)she says in her very noticeable Jamaican accent.

Ghost: I look around the table some more and see this girl sharpening a kunia like knife.The more she sharpens it the more it glows purple sparks. I lean over to mirage and ask him about her *touches elliot's shoulder* who she?

Mirage: Oh that's wraith she one of the strongest legends

Ghost:Hmm she doesn't look like much

Wraith POV: I was sharpening my knife not paying much attention to the new guy after I heard his name when I heard my own voice
He's staring-he thinks your weak
*back to reality*

We'll see about that "Ghost" I look up and say to him. He makes a surprising face to me

Ghost: Wait how did you hear me I whispered?

Wraith: You're not the only one with natural talent, as for whose weak we'll se about that in the training room Me and you fists only

Ghost: Your on "Wraith" I remark *hungry stomach noises* but for now I'm hungry. I get up and she gives me a smirk, well at least I know she doesn't hate me. Natalie carries me over to the counter to get some food and we go back and eat with the other legends.

I thought that there were more of you guys I mean on the screens in the lobby yesterday I saw like two other guys, another girl, a M.R.V.N and a another robo-"Demonio" Loba cuts me off.
She motions her head to the cafeteria entrance and everyone turns and we see the other legend come in with the M.R.V.N and start heading towards us.

The Apex Legend Experience(Wattson x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now