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Chapter's a little pointless in my opinion I just wrote what I think happened the day after- I'm not running out of ideas just yet just wanted there to be a grace period before he next major thing

Loba: I check in with the head of staff to give a report on the events of the gala last night; what the legends did, how the fans reacted to Yenin and such. I left with my head intact and they didn't even know about the jewels I "acquired"

The next day

Ghost: I wake up on the couch with something warm on my side and it hits me, I'm lying on Nat. I sit there for a while thinking about how lucky I am to have a girl like Nat be into me, I mean I think Loba had something but maybe that's just how she usually is.

I get up from Nat and lay her down on the couch where we were sleeping and go brush my teeth and make something to eat.Just some eggs and bacon. I rest it down in front of her and wake her

"Nat,Natalie wake up" I say and rub her shoulder.

She "wakes up" half way and starts feeling all over the place with her hand and rests her hand on my head and opens her eyes. She looks at me and jolts up on the couch

"Morning Nat"
"Good morning"
"I made you breakfast, are you hungry?"
"I'm starving, thank you"

Natalie: Yenin made me breakfast, I eat the food he made, it was good and perfect timing because I was starving when I woke up.

I drink the orange juice and wipe it off my lips and as I wipe it from my face I start to realize something
"Did me and Yenin make out last night?" I think to myself
"Umm Yenin"
"Yes Natalie?"
"Did we Umm last night?"
"Yes we did, only kissing though if you can't recall ,how did it feel" he asks
"It felt amazing, it was like when I kissed you all the feelings I had just came out, like I was being pulled towards you"
"How do yo feel now?" He asks me

Ghost: Nat questions me on what we did last night and I told her and I'm glad she enjoyed it that much. I ask her how she felt now and she pressed her lips against mine. She stays there for a bit and pulls of
"Like I want more" and she kissed me again.

Natalie: I start kissing Yenin again because I can't help it. I straddle him and just let my body move on it's own.


Ajay: After we got back last night Octavio's been on the living room floor ever since.

"*long groan* Che I don't feel so good, my stomach hurts"

"That's what happens when you mix stim and liquor"I scolded him

Octavio:"no es una buena mezcla"
"I need a doctor"
"I am a doctor"
" I need a doctor that will help me"
"Hold on let me get DOC"
"Please" he begs


Wraith: I wake up and I have a slight hangover nothing life threatening and then I tried standing up ,I felt a searing pain in my head. It was the voices all coming in at once, it was so loud I got down on my knees and screamed
Void-GEt uP on your feet beHINd you iDk
GEt up on your fEet beHINd you iDk
The gaUNtlet put it on NoW
YouR WeaK
YouR WeaK

" shut up shut up shUT UP SHUT UP" I shout and mirage comes in and holds me.
"Renee,Renee what's wrong"
" I can't,it's too loud the voices thier too loud" I say shaking and crying"
"Um um what can i do what do you need"
"The gauntlet,I need it" and he rushes out to get it in the meantime I sit there holding my head in aching pain

Elliot: Okay okay okay wraith needs her gauntlet okay don't panic. I run down the stairs I don't bother to wait on the elevator I see Gibbs and Blood in the hallway
"Morning felagi fighter would you like to accompany us in the-
In get to the lab and see the gauntlet I grab it and get back to wraith and she looks like she's in so much pain. I hold her up and her eyes are flashing between white and her normal eyes

"Renee I have it here" I say to her
"Give it to me"
I give her the gauntlet she uses in the ring and I guess it stabilizes her because she stops screaming and falls limp in my arms. I lift her off the floor and put her on the bed.
I get up to leave but she holds my shirt

"Stay with me? Please?"
She motions for me to come on the bed and i sit behind her and hold her and we just sit there on the bed until she passes out in my arms


Ghost: Nat pulls away from me and ask me
"So can you be my umm boyfriend?"
"Yes I would love that. I gotta go take a shower though"
I get up and and go take a shower because i didn't have one last night. I get in and a wave of relief comes over me that I finally told Nat

Natalie: Ghost leaves to go take a shower and I figured I should probably get one too but I'll wait until he comes out it would be rude to ,you know, at least maybe not today.

He comes out and I get the perfect look on his body and abs,he has like six of them and I'm sure he saw me blushing.

Ghost: I get out of the bathroom and I'm pretty sure Nat was staring at me
Does she think I'm that good looking, oh well, I put on some clothes and go sit down on the couch. I guess I'll just wait for her to come out.
She comes out(in a towel) and I think I'm staring too much.

"Staring is rude you know" she tell me
"I'm only looking because you were looking" she giggles and tells me
"I was just curious"
"Well I'm curious too"

She goes in her room and I lie down on the couch and look at the ceiling (you know that thing you do when your bored). After about 15 mins she comes out and stands right above me. She was wearing that shirt that only cover the top part of your body

 She was wearing that shirt that only cover the top part of your body

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Kinda like this

So I saw right up it and jolted up trying to not be a perv

Natalie: What's wrong?
Ghost: Oh nothing it's just that you were standing above me and I saw right up your shirt SORRY
oh SORRY we say at the same time

"It's okay"
"It's okay" we say at the same time again and we both laugh it off.

"So what now"she asks
"Want to go for a walk?"

Ajay: Here Octavio drink this
"What is this ?medicine?"
"It's tea"
"You mean flavored water" he says with a shit eating grin
"Sigh* just drink it"
"It smells horrible,No way"
"Oh my god Octavio"
"*pant pant*So about that tea"

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