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Authors note: Don't know if I wanna post this. But fuck it I'm doing it

Ghost: Me and Nat and Makoa get to our dorm our dorm and Makoa takes a shower first leaving me and Nat in the living room.

"Uhh Yenin I'm gonna go take of my gear it's really hot and I'm starting to sweat" she says
"Huh yeah I'm gonna go take put down my helmet. I say to her

"Are you gonna shower first or do you want me to first" I ask
"Oh you can go first, I think you need it more than me"
"What are you tryna say?" I cross my arms and smirk at her
"That you smell, really bad" which was true but how dare she. After a couple of minutes Makoa comes out. So I go in
"I won't be long" I say to her
"Me neither" she says, whatever that means.
I get in the bathroom and take of my suit. Out of curiosity I smell it
"Yeah your going in the laundry tonight"

I drop it and get in the shower. There's a standing showers a bath but I get in the standing shower because I told Nat I wouldn't be long so she could shower.

You know when you get in the shower and the water feels just right yeah that was this right now.

Natalie: Ok Nat you can do this it's just a shower. I open the bathroom door and close the lock just in case and drop my towel.

Ghost: Just about half way through my shower I hear somthing hit the floor but it was faint because all I could hear was the water running and I couple seconds longer I feel two hands wrap around me from the back. I look down at the arms and see the lighting scar and see that it's Nat.

"So Nat you got in the shower"
"Yes" she tells
"And your naked"
"Yea is that okay"she ask me
"That" is actually perfect" i tell her and she giggles.
"So can I look at you" I ask her just in case
I turn and look at her and she has the best body I've ever seen, granted I've never seen a lot but this was bar none. She notices me staring and says

"What is it?"

I blink out from staring and say
"Sorry your just really beautiful" she blushes and goes in for the kill and we start making out.

She put her hands around my neck and I put my hand on her ass. I use my tongue and she uses hers

At this point in time her woman hood is pushed up against me which was not helping my case or the fantasies of my mind because after a few minutes my member is solid. I still don't want to do anything extreme so for the first time I try somthing new. I move down from her lips to her neck right on her scar and go forward from thier

Natalie: I start making out with Yenin and after a while he starts kissing my neck and sucking on it and with every passing second I can feel myself getting wetter and wetter not because of shower. He gets down to my neck and I lose control. I have my fingers in his back as he has me pressed against the shower wall.

Ghost: Natalies moans are driving me insane so it make my mission to pleasure her.
"Natalie have you ever been eaten?" she bites her lips and says
"What do you mean?" She asks and I get down to her legs and waste no time to start licking her walls. I move slowly but it's enough to have her arching her back and gripping the hair on my head.

Her moans were like something I never thought I'd hear from her, this side of her was different but hey I wasn't complaining and she wasn't either she was only screaming.

I go faster and she doesn't swear she just calls out my name louder and louder every time

"Yenin please don't stop" she screams
"Shhh quiet" I tell her and laugh
"Sorry this feels amazing"

About 10 minutes later she gets louder and screams

"Yenin I- I can't I" before she can say anything more she releases over my face and her knees get weak and she falls but I hold her

" Woah are you okay?" I ask her
"I'm great" she tells
"And tired"she starts to close her eyes but I wake her up
"Nat you still have to shower"

"Give me a minute" she tells me.She gets up from my arms.

Natalie: I finish on Yenin and get extremely fatigued but it's an amazing feeling.
"Umm do you want me to y,know" and I look down at his fully erect member"

"Uhh don't worry about that"he tells me.
I wonder how that would feel instead of his tongue.

Ghost: Me and Nat continue to shower but she keeps laughing and giggling and it's really funny. Eventually we get out and put some clothes. she goes to lie down because of her "sudden" fatigue and I go prowl around the complex and look for something to do to try and get my mind off Natalie.

Eventually I get to rooftop and see Loba just chilling by the pool(not in it just beside it)

Loba: "Hello beautiful what brings you up here"

"Boredom and Natalies asleep" he smiles as he tells me

"Why are you smiling like that?"I ask him
"Umm no reason"
"Yenin, you did not" I acuse him

Ghost:"Umm you see what happens was" and I told her what happened

Loba: You didn't force her did you
"No"he says

"Did she like it"
"How do you know"
"Believe me I could tell" he tells me

Authors note: Never written this before but I've seen a lot so let me know if it could use improvement or not

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