Thrill with Octane(short)

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Ghost: I was chilling in the dorm by myself,a little restless since we didn't have a match for another 4 days and I don't have Nat too "keep me company." She's in the lab working on her gear and if your a guy like me and your bored and you have stick to walls and roof gloves you do exactly that.

So I'm on the roof of the living room watching Tv upside down and then all of a sudden the door bursts open and Octane comes in.

A little while Before octane came in

Octane: Che I can't take this
Ajay: Octane there's literally nothing happening to you.

Octane: Exactly. I need a thrill. I need la prisa and I need it now.

Ajay: You could jump of the building and get a rush from that.

After ajay tells Octavio this there's silence and she realizes what she just did. She looked at octane and he's looking at her and she can see the grin behind his mask.

Ajay: Octavio, NO

But he's already out of the dorm.Ajay tries to stop him but he's too fast for her.

A little while later Octavio sets up a big trampoline at the bottom of the building(let's say they have a big area they can use for this like at the back or something)
(Like those things that people land on after jumping from a high place to cushion the fall)

Back to ghost when Octane bursted into the dorm

Octane: Woah amigo your like Spider-Man
Ghost: Cool right

Octane: Anyway how would you like to do something awesome.

Ghost: Me being as bored as I am, I jump down of the ceiling and take him up on his offer
"Something like what" I say and squint my eyes at him

"Come on let's go"

He takes me up to the roof and it's just me him and lifeline.

"So what are we doing up here anyway" I question him
"You'll see"

He leads me to the edge and we look over and see the cushion thing and I back up a little from shock.

"Woah, just how crazy are you" i ask him but he doesn't say anything he just looks at me and twitches a little.

I can see him smiling from his mask and a little while later he explains his plan.

"So here's what gonna happen; Ajay is gonna turn on THIS camera and I'm gonna jump of THIS roof and if your game your gonna jump of the roof too and if your lucky we'll get more followers and maybe not die.but hey that's what Ajay is for.

I look at him and ajay and say to myself
"Okay we're really doing this"

A couple minutes later we stand back and octane runs off screaming


He hits the cushion and shouts up for us

"I'm good"

I'm up next. I line my self up to jump off and as I'm about to go Natalie bursts though the door that leads to the roof.

As Octavio is doing his jump

Natalie: I was in the lab working on my pylon thinking about Yenin, about what we would do next and then I saw Octavio fall by through the window and hit the ground. As soon as I saw him speed past the lab window I rushed upstairs to the roof to see what happened

Back to ghost when he's on the roof

Ghost: All right lets do this 3, 2, *the door bursts open.

"What are you guys doing!!" Natalie shouts
"Oh shit" I think to myself

Under the pressure I repeat what octane said to me with the same emphasis

"Well I'm gonna jump of THIS roof and lifelines gonna record it on THIS camera and if your game your gonna jump too"

"What why!?"she says
"You see me and octane were bored so yeah"

She sighs and holds her head down then looks up and walks up to me and takes both my hands.

"Yenin are you sure you want to jump off a building"

"Umm no but I'm still gonna do it"
"What if you get hurt?" She pleads
"That's what Ajay is for"

"Then um ,then I'll do it too"

*Long silence*
"So um anyways,your not jumping of but you can watch me all the way down there if you want"

Natalie goes downstairs to watch the fall and Ajay sets up octanes camera

I line up to the edge and look down


Ghost: I stand on the edge, take a breath and jump

I did a couple flips and in a short 10 seconds land flat on my back

I hit the cushions and lay there for a while slightly out of breath.

Natalie: Yenin hits the cushion and and after a couple seconds I don't see him moving so I fear for the worst. Eventually though he crawls his way off and I run up and hug him.

"Are okay is anything broken"
"Yea I'm fine Nat"

"Are you sure?"
"Are you sure ,you're sure ,you're sure"

"Yes Nat I'm fine"

She looks up at me and sighs then smiles and hugs me super tight. Her head was on my chest so I held her head to hug her back.
After a while she lets go and tell me that she's going back to the lab.

Octane: Oh how awesome was that I hope I got it on camera...or not so I can do it again and again and maybe.. again.
What do you say hermano?

"Yeah let's do it"

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