Changes and Scars

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Ghost: Me and Nat went on a walk just to get out a little bit. Mostly because i haven't been outside like this in a while.
"So Yenin why did you come to the games"
"I guess I was tired of being on the run and I had the skill so I thought why not."
We keep walking for a while in silence for a while until I ask
"So Nat I've been meaning to ask how'd you get that scar on your face?"

When I asked her about the scar she held her face where the scar was and looked away so I held her shoulder and told her
"Hey it's okay if you don't wanna talk about it"
"Thanks" she says to me and let's go of her face

The street we were walking on was pretty crowded and we kept getting separated so I asked her
"Hey how much do you weigh?"
"That's a bit of a rude question"
"Sorry it's important trust me"
"I think 150 lbs"
"Good" I say as I put her on my back and jump to the wall
"Woah" she says in excitement
I climb up to the roof and put her down
"Now we don't have to get split apart every two seconds"
"That's good but we shouldn't really be up here"
"Don't worry" I say and take her hand and cloak
"No OnE EVeR SeEs mE" As I say this I notice my voice is distorted and Nat notices too. I pull away from her hand and feel my throat

"WhAt ThE HeCK, tHiS nEVer hapPend BeFOre"

"What hitting puberty?"
"Maybe it's like your growing"
"YeaH Or ThE InVisiBility Is AffEctiNG My ThROat" I de-cloak and keep walking and Nat keeps telling me about any reason on why my voice changed. Eventually we get to the park
And I ask her
"So when's our next game?"
"In two days, they usually give legends time to recover from being shot or in your case electrocuted"

"I like your positive attitude, it's good and I hope you you keep it because whether or not your on my team*i cloak* IM gOiNG for tHE GOLD" i say to her

"Are you threatening me, "IM NOT SHOCKED" she giggles


This black bird comes down on my shoulder again
"Atta boy or umm girl"

It's starts to rain so Arthur flies of and it's me and Nat again so we start going back to the complex. We didn't bring an umbrella, why would we? we get back to the complex soaking wet. My hair and her hair are also soaking wet but it actually looks nice with her hair like that.

Natalie: Me and Yenin get back to the dorm and I'm sure we left a water and mud trail to the door.As soon as we got in he took of his shirt so I saw his back,there's huge scars on it. one especially giant slash and a few small ones I want to touch it so I do, I'm sure he won't mine.

Ghost: I sit down on the stool near the kitchen counter and take of my shirt and Nat touches the scar on my back whilst I'm facing away from her taking of my shirt. Her touch was pretty surprising but not unwarranted or unwanted.Its pretty silent with her tracing my back so I tell her about them.
"That one, the big one I attacked a Japanese mob boss and one of his guys saw me and did a lot of damage"
" The one right beside that, the small one I got pushed up against a zinc fence and the rest, a couple of other bar fights and battles I had here and thier"

"I'm not embarrassed of them, I actually think thier pretty cool and I only show them to people I know or like so... you should feel honored that you get to touch them"

She giggles and stops touching them. Then the door bursts open and octanes pointing at us.

Octane: "A ha I found the culprit or rather culprits, no hay lugar donde puedan esconderse del octrain oh y estos chicos también"

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