Side Part-Mainly wraith but others too

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Alright so I'm gonna have some short side parts here and there with the other characters I guess you could call it *filler* but this part will be about wraith and the other legends after they toured Ghost around-end

Wraith: Natalie finally brought us up stairs to the pool and "ended" the tour and we all left some of us not so willingly but we left Natalie and Ghost. We went back to the cafeteria and ate.While the other legends stayed there for a while more and talked I left early
"Hey guys I'm gonna head out, I have some stuff I have to figure out ,I'll see you guys later Elliot,Path(my roommates)"

I go to the elevator and make my way to the dorm I get inside and let down my hair as soon possible.When I get into my room I go straight into the void to talk to the voices
In my story it'll work like this

I go in the void and my room and everything in it becomes a dark purple version of itself and I see her- myself sitting on the bed and I instantly ask her
"What the hell was that?"
What was what?
"The fight with Ghost, you were wrong and your never wrong, you're not broken are you?
Oh I'm sorry it's hard to give directions when someone's literally me it looked like he was glitching all over the place.
He's gonna be tough to beat
"Yeah I know" I say to her
Can't hit what you can't see she mocks me with what ghost said in the training room
"Shut up" I say and she laughs
I guess your just gonna have to be quick with him
"Yeah whatever" I say as I take a seat
Someone coming you have to leave now, talk to you later
She grabs me and throws me out of the void and I hear a knock on the door
*mean while after wraith left with all the other legends in the cafeteria*

Bloodhound: I think it's time for me to-taka my leave will you accompany me my brethren
and sister? (Octane and lifeline)

Octane:*nudges lifeline*Hear that Che? They called me their *tries bloodhound voice*Brethren

Lifeline(Ajay): Yeah night a come down soon bedtime, let's go she says in her Jamaican accent.

Pathfinder: Friend *to Elliot*wraith seemed distraught should we go check on her?

Elliot:Yeah buddy lets go
*Elliot and pathfinder leave, leaving just revenant and Loba*

Revenant: So Loba what say me and you catch up on old times*creepy laugh*

Loba: Looks up at revenant and instantly teleports to her room

Revenant: Ha wondered where she put the jewelry

*Back to Elliots, pathfinder and wraiths dorm*

Pathfinder: Friend I am going to go to sleep mode and charge for the night let me know how it goes with wraith- fist bump?

Elliot: *knock knock knock* Wraith you in there? She opens the door and I see her with her hair down I'm a little surprised so I stand there and look at her until she snaps me back to reality

Wraith: Why are you staring?
"Oh sorry I just haven't seen you with your hair down a lot, you look pretty " he says to me
Yeah well pretty isn't required for the games unless your Loba, but anyway why are you here
"Me and path wanted to check on you cuz he said you seemed distraught but he's sleeping now"
Oh I'm fine don't worry about it ,just had to check on something
"Ok cool I'll see you later then I guess"
Yea see you later oh and Elliot
Thanks for the compliment I say with a slight blush. I close the door

Elliot: Yeah she's into me

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