Season 6 - Welcome to Apex

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Author's note: Let me know who you which legend you want the protagonist to be romantically involved with for know he meets the legends

Ghost: I can't believe I'm actually here or that they accepted me I don't even know what I want, for now I'll just settle in I guess. I get to the Apex complex it's a huge building it's like a hotel/home for the legends with a big jet on top(The dropship, for me it'll be the one from the season 3 animated trailer).
Upon entering I'm met with a lobby area with a couple seats. I take a seat on this couch where I wait for the head of staff to get me. I don't have that much stuff just a duffle bag with my gear my wingman and some cash that I earned from my time on the run. I'm a little exited and nervous because it's quiet here in the lobby and there's some screens showing the legends it doesn't show me their names just a picture of them so at least I'll have a conversation starter when I meet them, well that's even if they want to be met some of them aren't very talkative.

Finally a woman with blonde hair comes down the elevator and greets me

Head of Staff well call her Natasha

Natasha: Ahh you must be the new legend Yenin-Ghost

Ghost: Yeah that's me

Natasha: Well lets not keep you waiting, First we need you to sign some papers take some photos of you get you some banner posses pretty much all the boring legal stuff then we'll get you settled in your dorm and you can meet the legends and get in some training for your first game. Off we go then

Ghost: She seems friendly, I follow her up to the main office and I must say this building is absolutely gorgeous you never see stuff like this when you're running , well unless I have to kill someone who has a place like this but I've left that life behind.

Ghost: We get to the office and she pulls out some papers for me to sign legal stuff
-You will not kill outside the games
-Apex will take responsibility for altercations outside of the games with small penalties to me
Ya da ya da ya da
It seems as if they take full responsibility for me because they have more than enough money to do so.
She then explains to me that these games are very dangerous, I can't die but I'll feel like it if I ever do die,get shot, stabbed in the heart, blown up, electrocuted etc.
I sign off on the papers and she presses a button on a speaker (those things principals use at school oh an intercoms I remember now)

Natasha: Calling Wattson to the main office I repeat calling Ms. Paquette to the main office.

Ghost: Who is Ms Paquette I ask her "she's our friendliest legends she she show you to your dorm where you will stay with her and another legend." She explains to me

Natalie: I was in the lounge of my dorm awaiting instructions from ze head of staff to meet our new legend and my new roommate I haven't seen him or her or know anything about them so I was pretty exited to meet zem.
I hope their not a meanie like Revenant or Crypto "She thought" especially zince I have to share a dorm with zem. Zatz when it I heard ze intercom call for me

Ghost: A few minutes pass by then the office door opens and I see a little French girl come in and talk to Natasha. I paid no attention to this and then it hits me she's Ms.Paquette.
She comes up to me "bonjour" I'm Wattson but you can call me Natalie outside of the games.
"You're rather small for a legend" I say to her
"True but sometimes careful planning wins over might"She remarks.

Natalie: He seems nice or rather nicer than revenant and crypto. "Come on I'll show you to our dorm may I take your bags or rather bag" I ask
Ghost: Isn't that supposed to be the other way around because I'm a guy and you're a girl -what ever never mind * I kinda flail my hand around my head trying to shake off what I just said* It's cool.

We get to our dorm and we walk inside and it's a nice big room pretty open concept; wood floor,kitchen,living room. There are three rooms( there pretty decent size against a wall side to side from each other, when you open the door directly in front of you is a kitchen counter and to the right of the kitchen is a living room with a nice couch and tv and table, to the left of the kitchen is a giant glass window so you can see the outside) "This place is pretty sweet" I tell her

Natalie: I know right I was blown away too when I joined the games it really gives the feeling of home and the people here are my family

Ghost: "You all get along?"I ask
"Most of the time yes" she responds. "Just don't do anything to get zem mad" She tells me
"Have you ever got anyone angry" I ask politely
"Yes one time I got a little touchy with wraith but she's better now" she says
"So you like girls?" I ask
"I like girls and guys" she says cheeks a little red
"Oh ok cool" I say trying to respect her which I really did
"Do you like girls?" She asked a little embarrassed
"Yeah just girls though not guys, not that there's anything wrong with that- so yeah anyways" I say
Things got a little awkward so she called out Makoa and a bear of a man came out and he came out and pulled me into a hug

Gibraltar/Makoa: So this is the new guy how ya doin bruddah, names Gibraltar and you are- "Ghost" I respond not wanting to tell him my real name. Not that your real name bruddah

Ghost:This caught me off guard as I didn't know they shared real names like that here.
"Go on don't be shy" Natalie nudged my shoulder for me to tell him *sigh* "It's Yenin"I tell him. Nice name"he responded well, I'll get out of your hair bruddah so you can get settled in. He left back to his room leaving just me and Wattson. "He's nice, a real "Gentle Giant"
"Gentle Giant" we say at the same time. "Yes he has zat effect on a lot of people... well let me show you to your room" she says. "This is your room decent zize bed,desk,glass window wall you can close it if you want and you have a bathroom" she said. "Well I'll let you get settled get some sleep and I'll show you around tomorrow" she said

- I unpacked my suit took off my gloves and shoes since I always keep them on never know when I'll need to run maybe I won't need them here but I think it's cool that I can stick to walls like Spider-Man but anyways I lied down and let sleep take over as I was pretty tired from talking and signing and all that crap

The Apex Legend Experience(Wattson x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now