C~14: My First Birthday

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"Alice where are we going?" I ask Alice was driving the car, she said I had to come with her after school, she made me put on a dress as the sky turns to sunset.

We pull up to the Cullen house once again full of vampires as it should be. Alice was really chipper making me nervous, she takes my hands and pulls me out of the car. I get up and close my eyes laughing at her gesture but when I open them she's gone.


Maybe she went inside.

I look down and from the car I see rose petals leading all the way to the front door. Was this for Bella? I take steps up and try to peer inside but the shades were down, biting my lip I open the door.

Hanging above the door way, on a beautiful sign, held the words Happy Birthday Eve! Birthday? Me? I look down and begin to follow the trail to the main room where everyone was gatherd, all dressed nicely and smiling at me.

"What's going on?" I ask. Alice rushes forward and pulls me to group "We're celebrating your birthday silly!" she says, Carlisle steps forward and smiles at me "When we first left, Jasper vented to me causing me to do a bit of research, Eve you were born on the third of January in New York. You weren't far off and technically you are already eighteen, but it is unacceptable to have never celebrated a birthday." 

A small smile comes to my face, they did all of this for me? I bite my lip to hold back tears, Alice puts a hand on my shoulder and sits me down on the couch to open gifts. Emmett brings over a medium box and smirks "Open mine first."

I peel of the wrapping and open the box to find a motorcycle helmet. I nod my thanks and Rosalie hands me a small envelope from her and Alice. Inside were some star shaped elegant hair pieces.

Bella hands me a smaller box, opening I find four Lunar Rider albums "You said they were your favorite, they have music sheets that come with them for you to play." explains Edward. I bite my lip "It's wonderful but, on our way out Jacob kinda smashed my guitar."

Everyone gives each other a knowing look and Jasper comes back from the other room holding a big box. He places it on the coffee table and sits down next to me. He smiles and motions for me to open it, I run my hand over the package and take the wrapping off.

I slowly remove the lid off the box and I'm stunned.

I pull out the brand new guitar and lay it across my lap. It's sleek blueish black mix was refind and the bridge and tunes were transparent. On it held my name and next to it the moon and the north star.

This was for me?

I notice something on the back and turn it over to see more writing.

Where words fail music speaks, so play from the heart and I promise you'll end up reaching out to the hearts of others - Jasper.

I look to him and he smiles at me hiding his face a little "Alice told me what happened and I wanted to make your first birthday spei-"

"I love it." I say throwing my arms around him in a hug. He seems startled but wraps his arms around me happily. But this is all short lived when music starts we turn to Alice as up beat music begins to play, everyone laughs and stands up beginning a little dance off within the group.

Emmett got into it the hardest doing a flip and earning a cheer from us all.

The Dr. C showed us all how it was done with some old school moves.

By the end of the night it turned out to be the best first birthday ever. Edward took Bella home because technically she is grounded, I, on the other hand, sat on the couch in thought "If you need to stay the night you can." says Alice causing everyone to look at her, she smiles at me "If you go home your dads gonna ground you."

I nod "Thanks." I say, everyone wishes me a goodnight and heads upstairs.

I yawn and begin to lay down on the couch "It's not to comfortable is it?" ask Jasper walking over, I glance up at him "You want me to be honest or-"

I'm cut off by the laughter I missed very much. I take his hand and he leads me up to his room where his lounge chair now has a pillow and soft blanket with it. I smile and easily lay down getting comfortable. 

Jasper pulls up a chair next to my head looking out the window "I thought you would be scared at first." he starts.

"Not here, because you're here, if I fall I know you'll catch me." I say staring up at the moon, I haven't seen it in so long, it's light washes over me and I felt refreshed in it.

"Hey Eve?"

I turn over and face Jasper "Yeah?" his face grows a little shocked "What?" I ask. He smiles and moves some hair out of my face "You look a lot better, the circles under your eyes are pretty much gone and you're getting some color back."

I'm glad, I don't really feel sick anymore.

"Tonight was amazing you really are the best best friend anyone could ask for." I state making Jasper grin. I yawn and feel my eye lids get heavy making Jasper giggle "Go to sleep, I won't let you fall."

"You're...the best." I say as the real world begins to fall away and sleep takes over me, but it was a good dream, a dream I had already been dreaming that the Cullens would return and I would have a family again.

With them.

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