C~34: Good Or Bad Dream

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"Tana, you got this!" encourages Hayden. I hold onto Tana's arm as she tries to leave, the party was in full swing with the open floor to dance to the swing music with. Smirking, I call out, "Hey, Alice, can you come over here!"

Alice nods, skipping over, Peter and I push Tana forward and the two look at each other. Alice looks to the floor, and Tana plays with her fingers "Hey Alice...um I was wondering if you um....would like to dan-"

"Yes!" sputters Alice before blushing harshly. Tana smiles, holding out her hand, which Alice takes as the two hit the dance floor. Hayden and Peter jab each other before rushing off to get drunk or something.

"You think it's all too much?" ask Jasper walking over to me, I lean my head on his shoulder as he holds my waist "The wedding? Doesn't really matter what we think as long as they're happy." I point out, Jasper grins down at me "What would your dream wedding look like?" he asks out nowhere.

Why does this come up so much?

"Don't really have one. I've never really cared about my own wedding?"

"I don't follow."

"I just never thought I was getting married, wasn't in mind," I explain, hoping that was an answer that would satisfy him. Feeling his chest heave up and down I begin to worry I said the wrong thing, looking up, Jasper shakes his head before smirking "What do you say to a little vacation?"


"You mean like while Bella and Edward are on their honeymoon? What's the special occasion?" I ask as Jasper moves behind me, snaking his arms around my stomach and leaning down to kiss behind my ear, "Do I need a reason to treat my girlfriend."

"You need probable cause." I snark, Jasper stops kissing and leans his forehead on my shoulder laughing, "But are we going somewhere? Where?"

"Want a hint?"


"Bring a jacket." he finishes looking at me, putting my hands on his shoulder. I press on, "When are we leaving?"

"Tomorrow, the first flight of the morning."

The thought settled in my head that I would be spending alone with Jasper in an extraordinary situation. Together we gather with the rest of the family to watch Bella and Edward off; the two couples walk over to us and hug us each.

Edward hugs me, "Have fun on your vacation, and thank you for a song, well remember."

I shake my head, "No problem."

We all watched Bella and Edward drive off, and I turn to Jasper yawning, and he chuckles, "Let's get you to bed.

The next day Jasper had woken bright and early, our bags already packed. Carlisle called a cab hugging us both but had Jasper stay behind for a second while waiting for him. From the cab window, I saw everyone hug Jasper or pat him on the back.

That's what you would expect from a family. I scoot over as Jasper gets in only to have him pull me right back to him. Yawning, I snuggle up as we begin moving, but I didn't expect to drift off into a deep sleep.

A forest.

Glowing path of cold colors.

Me in the center of it, it was only a dream, so I follow the path were, in the end, was a cloaked figure. Looking around, I see nothing else was in the clearing, "Hello?" I ask, walking closer to the character as I do a blue glow sparks in a circle around us.

The figure turns around, they wore black clothes and their hair from what I could see was like mine.

"Se, joka kantaa kuumerkin, kantaa varkauden sydäntä," they whisper. I squint, didn't recognize the langue, so I'm just left puzzled. The figure raises it's gloved hands and pulls back the hood, my eyes widen, and I step back.

It was me!

But my eyes had this blue glow to it, my skin seemed paler, and my hair was more of a silver. I looked like a vigilantly? She or I step closer, taking two fingers pointing to our birthmark "Se, joka kantaa kuun merkin."

She brings another hand up, moving her other two fingers to my heart, "kantaa varkauden sydäntä."


I gasp jumping a bit, my eyes opening from the forest to find myself on a plane. Feeling an arm around my shoulder, I stutter to turn and find Jasper; he looks at me, worried, "Calm down, we're on the jet. You fell asleep I didn't want to wake you.....are you okay?"

It was just a dream, right? Then I shouldn't worry, I nod leaning back aginst Jasper "Se, joka kantaa kuumerkin, kantaa varkauden sydäntä." I whisper to myself. Jasper shakes me a little, "What was that?"

"...Nothing just a bad dream."

Jasper shifts, looking out the window, "Well, you woke to a good one come see."

I feel my pulse rise as I clutch onto Jasper remembering we were on a plan. "No way, wake me back us when we're on solid ground!"

"I honesty thought hiking up the mountain broke you out of your fear of heights."

"NOPE!" I shout, shutting my eyes as the plane lands, speaking of eyes closed before I know it Jasper blindfolded me. I stand feeling around, "How long do I have to wear this for?"

Jasper's hand takes mine from behind, "Don't worry, I won't let you fall."

If only he could see my eyes roll, "What a southern gentleman." I begin as he leads me, cold air hits my skin, and it's clear we're somewhere with a bunch of snow. It was even worse on the car ride there, losing my sight is not something I like.

Jasper grasps onto me, leading me up a couple of stairs and onto wood flooring, "Can I open?"

"Just a couple...more steps." he finishes and takes the blindfold off, suddenly my vision was swarmed with the most wondrous sight of a frozen lake, a village boarding it, beautiful mountains in the distance, and us in our lake cabin in the woods.

Letting out a breathy laugh, I ask, "Where are we?"


We flew all the way out to Norway! I look from him to a pair of double sliding wooden doors. Opening them, I see a giant bed, rushing forward. I flop myself onto it, sending some pillows into the air and onto the floor "This is the best day ever!"

"Best day ever?" asks Jasper tumbling down next to me, he rests on his elbow, turning over to face me. "Don't believe that for a second."

"What's your best day ever, cowboy?" I mock. Jasper turns over, staring up at the ceiling with me. "Maybe the day I was promoted to the rank of Major if you're asking about one from my past...but it might be the day you gave me hope about my scars and my old life," he emphasizes.

I sigh, "Well, from my past, not that many options. Although there was this one group home...I was sent to a music family in Atlanta when I was eight, maybe nine, and there was this festival. Different music poured out of every stage, and they gave me a red guitar."

"...Your first the one, the one Jacob-"

"Yeah! It was a good family if it weren't for the other kids I might have stayed, but teenagers are mean, and if something looks out of place, they hammer down on the insecurity." I share and feel Jasper's hand on my cheek, having me turn to him, "If my scars are beautiful, then the mark paints your face."

I press on his hand beaming, "Then why should it have to be one day?"

He nods, "Agreed, my favorite day is every day I spend with you."

Okay, he was rehearsing that line at some point, no one just come up with that. I snuggle over, giving his lips a kiss before laying my head on his chest. "Let's just stay like this for today."

Jasper's arms haul me up to be more on top of him, he didn't have a heartbeat, but his breathing was enough to calm me down "Divine" I hear him whisper, his preferred word for me. I look up, pursing my lips at him, "Gentlemen." I fight back.

We just smile at each other in complete peace, I hope everyone else is happy wherever they are because I know I am.

And I can't wait for what adventure awaits tomorrow.

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