C~37: Just Sick! Okay!

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My skin was chilled, and my sleepy state began to wear off, my eyes slowly open to not much light for the storm still raged on outside. I groan, rubbing my eyes feeling better than ever, the arm warped around me tightens, making me smile up at Jasper.

Closing my eyes, I move closer, laying my head on his shoulder, "What time is it?"

"Almost noon." grins Jasper, I hum before going on, "And did I really just lose my virginity last night?"

Jasper's chest vibrates with laugher. "Do you blame for it?" he asks as I look up at him. Here we were lying in bed, both naked from a magical night before. I put a hand to Jasper's cheek, he places his hand atop mine pressing on it, giving my thumb a kiss "I'm so glad you're not hurt."

"Well, then we should do this again sometime." I play, Jasper leans down and kisses me softly.

The storm was out of mind, it would stay that way for the rest of a week and a half.

We only had each other, and I had never been happier, continuing to bring with each other until the storm finally let up. Every day maybe we'd play a board game, read a book, watch a movie, and at night I'd make the same promise that I would speak up if Jasper was ever hurting me.

"We can't keep doing this," states Jasper as he puts on his skates. With the storm gone, the lake in the woods had been freshly iced over, which is why I guess he wanted to buy the skates in the first place. I tie mine and look to him, "What do you mean?"

He takes my arm and rolls up the sleeve of my sweater, showing bruises. He leans over, brushing my hair back, running fingers over the ones on my neck, "You promised."

"They don't hurt, but we can stop," I state, to say I wasn't a little disappointed wouldn't be the truth. I loved being with Jasper, and I showed him how much I loved him, I guess he noticed because he takes my hands, helping me stand on the ice.

Sure, the sun was out, but we're away from the rest of the world. I struggle to hold to Jasper's arms, "I can't do this."

"You're doing great just hold onto me," he says, moving backward. Sliding my feet ahead, I try my best to follow but end up letting go of him, my feet slide out from under me, and my back hits the ice knocking the wind outta my lungs.


This was not enjoyable, I have no balance, and I can't skate! Looking up, I see Jasper standing over me, "Need a hand?"

"No, just leave me to die!" I shout, Jasper pulls me up and sits me down on the bench feeling the back of my head "You hit your head, how about we just go for a walk." Jasper suggests, don't have to tell me twice.

We change our shoes, take each other's hands and head off into the woods. The trees covered in snow and ice, the sun making droplets fall like crystals, this was much better than getting a headache ice skating.

Jasper begins to pick up the pace hauling me along off the path. "Follow me," he orders, helping us both up the small hill and when reaching the top, out the tree line and close a cliff lays the most spectacular view.

The mountains stretching as far as the eye can see, the whole lake in view bellow and the town seeming so small. Jasper puts his hands on my shoulders. "I've been waiting to show you this the whole trip, special, right?"

"It really is." I commend, the sight leaving me breathless. Jasper turns me to face him taking my hands, he just stared as if decide, or maybe he was nervous, "Jasper? Are you okay."

He closes his eyes, taking a breath, "Never better...Eve, you're my best friend, and that's one of the best things you can ask for in someone you love. And the day you told me you loved me back, sang it, you made me feel more alive then I've ever been." he starts.

I smile, these words were so sweet, why tell me this all of a sudden.

But suddenly, my gut feels like it's turning over of itself self "Jasper?" I start. Clearly, he was in his own world, "And there's no one else I want to spend the rest of my life with."

"Jasper," I state again, raising a hand to my mouth; he turns around, fiddling with his coat pocket. Everything feels really hot and dizzy all of a sudden like I'm spinning really fast. Turning around, I lean a hand against a tree stepping behind it.

"And so that's why I want to ask...Eve?" starts Jasper, but before he could walk over, I fall to my knees, throwing up in the snow, the bitter and burning sensation running up my throat and out of my mouth.

Panting, I lean back against the tree, holding my head, why is everything so hot!

Jasper rushes over, holding my shoulder, "Eve!"

His phone rings, and he picks it up, "Carlisle?"

I dear nondistinctive chatter and Jasper framing words of panic as black spots cloud my vision, I just wanted to sleep, so I let my body do just that.


"You can't be serious! You can't have those things in them it will kill them!"


What is Jacob doing in Norway? Wait to speak of which where am I. Groaning, I turn over and sit up. "What the fuck happen?"


Okay, that was a lot of voices, looking around entirely and taking my surroundings. I'm back in Forks, at the Cullen's, on the couch, and I felt awful. My mouth opens to say something but nothing can come, Jasper walks over and sits down next to me and looking over to the other side of the couch. I see Bella, "You look horrible." I comment.

Bella had no color and practically bone, but she still weakly smiles, "Right back at you."

"What? Okay, wait, when did we get back to Forks?" I ask Jasper, he bites his lip "You passed out in the snow, and you wouldn't wake up, I got so scared."

"Well, continue to be! In a couple of weeks, you guys are as good as dead." snarls Jacob, dead? I sit up more, why would I die, "Jacob, what are you talking about?" I ask feeling my face, I was cold, my skin was ice, but my body felt so hot.

Jacob tetters back and forth before turning to Carlisle, "Well, doc."

I turn to Carlisle he held a somber look on his face as he sits down next to me "Bella we know for sure is, she is showing very much. It's a little harder with you, but it's the only possible answer to why you both are..." he starts but can't seem to finish.

That bad? I look around the room, Jacob can't seem to take the silence and shouts at me "For fuck sake! You're pregnant!"



No, I'm not, I begin shaking my head and disbelief, "No, you are funny, I'm just sick, pneumonia, the flu." I throw out and look to Carlisle, who doesn't answer "A horrible flu." I hope. There was no way I could be pregnant.

Letting out a sigh, I run a hand through my hair, "Nope, no, I'm not." I say, crossing my arms. Everyone looks to me like I was insane, Alice steps forward "Then please what else could be happening to you what's in you is killing you-"

"It's a baby Alice!" shouts Rosalie, Jasper stands in front of my "Possibly!"

"There...is nothing...inside of me!" I scream. I would be the first to know, right? Shaking my head, I continue, "There can't be, I can't have that!" I shout stand, suddenly this pain-wracked my body making me sit back down.

Jasper zooms over to my side, taking me in his arms, "Eve, please..."

This feeling begins to come over me, and I push Jasper away. "Don't use your powers on me!" I shout and look back to everyone, "I'm not pregnant, so if you excuse me." I struggle to say while standing, my feet felt weak, and I definitely was walking slower.

Coming to the wall, I hold onto it and hear everyone step forward, "I'm fine!"

Pushing myself back up, I walk outside, trying to clear my thoughts.

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