C~45: The Grove Origin

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"Finally, dinner!" I shout I was starving! The whole day it was running, climbing, fighting, which I was awful at all of them.

Peter and Hayden were terrific though, being here for almost two months, they must have gone through some hard shit! Also turned out Hayden was the only other Moon Spirit in our group besides me.

We both intake Vitamin D from the moon.

After grabbing a plate, Tana had saved a spot for us around the fire; as I sit down though I notice the light wasn't orange, it was more of a golden yellow "Hey, I've never seen a fire like that."

Peter nods. "It's not regular fire. Regular fire eats at the Oxegen in the air to fuel it and acts as light pollution. This fire is florescent based, it eats away at Carbon Dioxide and because it's florescent based doesn't cause light pollution." he explains, okay that's hella smart "Why would that matter though?"

Warren chokes for a second "Well first off light pollution doesn't let moonlight through so it's better for you. And as Sun Spirits, we relate to fire, fire eats up Oxegen, so we need a lot more Oxegen then a normal person."

"That's why Tana couldn't hold her breath and passed out so quickly in the fire!" I exclaim, now things made a lot more sense. Tana groans, staring down while Warren laughs. "WOW! They've been telling us for years, and you still don't listen!"

"Eve was gonna drown, and it's not my fault the vampire girl knocked over the propane tank!"

Staring at the ground, I think, "So you really did fight Jane for us?" I rise. Everyone's eyes were on me "Jane?" starts Hayden, I nod, "That vampire who chased us her names, Jane. I've met her before in Italy. She's a complete monster nothing can stop her."

"Agreed she has a gift, pain. If only we had a way to stop it." nods Tana, wait, are we not immune to it? "I thought vampire's powers don't affect us?"

"They work on us," states Peter. I shake my head, "Not on me." I assert. Warren puts a hand on my shoulder. "That's the case, then you've got to be the Lunar Guardian."

Okay, Solar Soldier, Lunar Guardian, "What?"

Everyone smirks at each other, Tana scoots forward. "We're gonna tell you a story, our origins. The original Grove was a borderline village in Finnland before the dark ages. Peaceful, sharing, giving, and from that, they formed alliances with the creatures others feared."

I lean forward, okay, so Finnland is connected. "Creatures, others feared?"

"Fairys." starts Warren. "They're the ones who gave the secrets of magic to the first spellcasters, but then other people got scared turning on The Grove saying they were the monsters. So They hid with the fairies, and all was at peace again." Finishes Warren.

No...no. That can't be it, Warren laughs, "Just kidding, but we were at peace for a long time...until they came."

"They?" I start.

Peter lets out a weak giggle biting his lip, expression grave "Bloodsucking immortals...story says they came up from Poland...and once word of human spellcasters with a heavenly scent got around our kind was slain off...Once we were thousands now reduced to less than a hundred."

"So they ran?" I ask.

"Not quite." begins Hayden. "Kuu, Finnish goddess of the moon, saw but the creature of her domain was doing to us and went to Päivätär, Finnish goddess of the sun, who supposedly cursed the vampires by showing them what they are in daylight." Hayden exaggerates with creepy fingers making us all laugh.

Hayden clears is throat continuing, "So they blessed our kind with abilities each to our own and chose champions to protect. The Solar Soldier attacks and uses strength, while the Lunar Guardian protects and advises. Each chosen and each marked, they fought and drove the vampires out before claiming that they had to move. So they came here where we carry on and have evolved into what we are. But every time the Guardian or Soldier dies, the goddesses chose and mark new champions."

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