Chapter Three - Addison - Thoughts

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I sipped on my coffee carefully as I tried balancing my math book on my right leg and my planner on my left, all while to hold my coffee up and write what math problems I needed to finish by the weekend.

My best friends, June and Blaire, were sitting cross-legged on the floor as they bickered back and forth about who was going to do what in a presentation they were assigned in science today. I looked over at the blonde, June, who was actively using hand motions to express how she wanted to create the dialogue, while the other blonde, Blaire sighed and kept expressing how June should make the slideshow instead.

"For fuck's sake, Blaire, I am definitely going to present. I'm better at it." The blonde huffed out then grabbed her green Starbucks drink and took a sip.

Blaire, the freckled blonde, groaned and pointed at the syllabus. "No, I am not giving you that responsibility. That's too much of an important role, I'm going to present, and you can create the slideshow, that's the easiest part so why are you arguing?"

June raised her voice, "I have a better grade in the class, it'll be better if I present."

Blaire rolled her eyes, "I know you have a better grade in the class, June! But, you have literally been spending more time with your girlfriend, Adrienne, than in class. You'll end up forgetting it's due then bullshitting on the day of the presentation."

June scoffed, appalled, "She is NOT my girlfriend."

"Fine, whatever, your fuck buddy. I don't give a shit what you guys are,-"

I piped up as I looked up from my homework, "I do! I definitely would love to know the details of when you two decide to date." I laughed internally, knowing that would press my friend's buttons. Lately, she's been "seeing" this one girl, Adrienne, and while June insists on saying that she hates her and they've only been hooking up for fun - it's been quite obvious that they're a bit more.

Blaire gave me a scorching look, and I shrugged and sipped my coffee again. "Okay, that is NOT the point." She looked at June, "Do NOT listen to Addison, and just let me write the dialogue to present. You literally only have to make five slides."

June huffed, "I am not doing bitch work."

Blaire groaned and I started to tune them out as I finished off the last list of problems I had to do for math. I closed my planner but then thought back to the events of today. I chewed on the inside of my cheek and thought back to Melanie Canon.

June didn't like Melanie, because she found out that she actually slept with her girl, Adrienne, a couple months back. I definitely think June is still threatened by the brunette, especially since Melanie has actually been hanging out with Adrienne again. On the other hand, Blaire didn't necessarily care for Melanie, mostly because Melanie did not have a good reputation with our class.

She kinda has had sex with a lot of people.

Was that why she was daydreaming in class? I thought back to how the brunette has seemed quite bored in math class recently. She usually is one of the students that pay attention during Mrs. Shaw's lectures, but lately she's been either zoning out or skipping class altogether.

I heard a rumor that on Monday she skipped to have sex with someone behind the gym bleachers.

How could that be possible?

Because most definitely they did not screw on the floor of that disgusting gymnasium. The janitor barely cleans behind there until after the season, and it was mid-season - so therefore it was probably sticky with pop and littered with trash.

So then, did they have to prop each other up against the bleachers? And if so, how? There was barely any space behind the bleachers, and even if there was, then one or the other would have to lean at an awkwardly weird angle...and I feel that would definitely be a mood killer.

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