Chapter Twenty-Five - Addison - Oh, What

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I fell flat-face against the court with my body following after as I groaned out in exhaustion. It was after practice conditioning, and my coach put me on working on some push-ups. They just really weren't my thing.

I could only do three full push-ups, and even after then I found my butt arching way too high for it to be even considered one. I blew out another breath as my arms felt like jelly, and attempted to get into position again so I could do a few more.

I glanced across the court to see Melanie leaning against the fence intently, as if she were willing my body to hurry up so I could finish my measly ten. I stuck my tongue out at her and shook my butt in the air for good effect. She simply smiled and stuck her tongue back out at me.

I had to admit, I was kinda upset when I saw Cierra kiss Melanie at lunch today. The only reason why I even found her in that corner was because I had to pass it on the way back from the baseball fields. After much begging, I convinced Lily to let me go early so I could spend some time with Melanie.

She didn't seem happy at first, but after I showed her the text from my mom saying that I could go to her house after school on Wednesday for an hour, she seemed to be glowing.

But, anyway, I don't know why I was so upset at first and ran away from Melanie. I don't think it was jealousy...I think it was more of disappointment. Even though Melanie denied Cierra, who was giving me and Melanie daggers all of practice, I just couldn't help but feel a little left out.

Melanie has been with all these girls - most of which throw themselves at her all the time despite her not wanting commitment. But, now - how come all of a sudden Melanie sees me as someone she enjoys?

After all these years, and when I mean years - I mean literally since we were kids, why was I always invisible to her? What has possibly changed for her to see otherwise?

Was I her last resort? In fact, was she playing a much harder game to just get into my pants?

No, that was impossible. I came to her asking for her to hook up with me - to be my first - so how could she possibly plan any ulterior motive?

Addison, you're thinking too much, I thought. I placed my hands flat on the court again and attempted to push myself up. I was able to successfully do one, then two, until I felt a wait on my backside. I glanced behind me to see Lily placing her hand on the small of my back and giving it some pressure.

"Addison, keep your backside low. You're raising it too high," she muttered and I nodded as I put myself in position again to do it the correct way. After doing a few more, I fell back to the ground and groaned.

"I don't understand why I have to do push-ups. They're butt-fucking hard." I sat down on my butt and wiped the sweat off my forehead with my arm.

"You know, just gotta make sure you're in shape," she smiled and her eyes travelled from my black sports bra to my spandex. I frowned and hoped she wasn't judging my body weight.

No, sheesh, Addison. Friends don't do that.

"I don't see you doing any," I muttered as she raised an eyebrow and immediately got into position. My mouth dropped open as she started doing a set of perfect push-ups. So, gladly I pushed her over onto her side to stop her from showing off.

"Addison!" She yelled.

"Pfft, you're the one who was showing off. How's the ground taste?" I yelled back way too loudly as our coach gave us a strange look from another court. I waved over to him, "I'm done with my pushups!"

He waved back, "Go stretch, then you're done Cruz!"


I started stretching my arms across my body and holding it in position for ten seconds each. Lily seemed to be doing her own routine as I started stretching out my legs in front of me. I leaned down with my legs spread out, my nose touching my knee as I felt the burn in my legs and back. I sighed in relief, never realizing how tight my muscles were from overworking them.

Oh, My, AddisonWhere stories live. Discover now