Can I Qualify ?

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"Oh my cod that's Prince! Emperors little brother!"

"Why's he here?"

"How come he's walking to those people..?"

Voices are heard all around as the new King confronts Laceless while the cruel blue leader stands in the back watching this unfold. Laceless stands straight with a shudder to his body as he sees the King stand in front of himself.

"Hi, I'm Prince. I liked how you fought out there today. You have incredible skills and reflexes..." he complements Laceless on his work. Of course the arctic blue squid stutters and shakes with a nervous wreak. "O-oh! T-thank you! And I k-know..w-who you are..." Laceless lowers his voice in slyness and embarrassment.

Laceless POV:

I know who you are!? Come on, everyone knows him. He's the new King and Emperors younger brother! Team leader of the Monarchs!.....whys he talking to me..?

I'm thinking a little to much as I hear Prince let out a soft giggle. I look up and then are meet with his eyes. His eyes are so beautiful and his's so harmless and at peace...I form a smile as well as I admire him...

"Hum~ anyway, my team and I are searching for a new teammate. So we came out today and are in search for a few squids to interview for the open position for our team." Wait! Does he plan on asking me to interview!? Oh noooo! I can't do that they're so much better than I-

My thoughts were cut off by me getting pushed over and away from Princes line of sight. And the culprit who tipped me is the man himself. My used to be team leader.

I hit the floor letting out a gust of air and lay there for a short time then look up to see him ask Prince for the position. "You plan on asking Him!? He's a no body! He has nothing to become a new monarch. But me, well I can become Whatever you please~"

The leader of my old team try's to woo Prince for the position. But he is right...I am a no body...I don't have what it takes to become something like them...
I still sit on the ground as the guy ask Prince and tells him about his skills. But the New King doesn't look pleased.

"Enough please." He spoke as he takes a walk beside me and kneels down. "What's your name?" He asked me with his charm full and bright smile. His aura is so calming and his makes me flutter...

"I'm..I'm...L-Laceless, Sir!" I take a bow in front of him with blush dusted on my cheeks while I hear him laugh slightly and pat my head. I look up while it still rest there. "Alright Laceless. Do you want to be a candidate for the monarch team?"

Oh boy...

I didn't have the chance to speak once again because that 'leader' came over and kicked me away. I saw the kings expression and how his smile faded and it faded fast. "No! He doesn't belong in the big leagues!" Prince frowns toward this guy as he stands up in an intimidating way.

This caused all to step away from the two.

"Excuse you, He has more skill and promise then you do. He's an actual teammate while you can't even be a good team leader. I don't want anyone on my team who has a cold heart."

Wow...never once have I thought about Prince talking someone down..that's amazing King.

I stand up and walk carefully beside Prince as He eyes me down. "I have more potential then you!" He shouts and rushes at me with his weapon in hand.
I take my and was about to aim but Prince got in the way and pulled his Duiale at the guy.

"Let's kindly not make more of a scene. Back away and leave. I don't want a hot head." Prince smiles and straightens his aim at the guy. He shrinks back and then leaves fleeing with fear.

"...thank you prince..." I whisper looking down knowing I caused so much trouble in so little time. But then he gripped my shoulders which got me to look at him in the eyes. "You know you're a good player! Please just try out for the spot, I'm sure you'll do good." He does a bow and give me his number as I give him my info so if I ever stop by.

"...goodbye Prince...thank you." I bow and run off heading home since I'm done socializing for today. I had too much interaction and I'm scared...scared of going to try outs and failing so badly that the king may never want to speak to me...scared of not going and regretting my first chance to be on a real team...

There's a lot to think about!

I run up the hill I live on and into the house closing the door with my body. I shake and whimper from the overwhelming feeling. I'm scared but yet...also Really Excited! I have a chance! To be on an official team! "But their are going to be so many people..."

I sit on the floor and think. Then something popped into mind. I take a stand and walk into my living room. Pa isn't home yet...he's out looking for another job I assume...he works so hard. And it's just to support us...

I walk over to the corner and kneel down in front of the butsudan and clap my hands together.

"...hey ma' sorry I haven't talked in for a while...but right now I really need too. I was asked to come to a try out for the monarch team! It isn't for Emperor, He disappeared one day and left his little brother in charge. So...what I want ask is..should I go..?"

I never really did get an answer back but there are times where I can feel this warm feeling surround me like a mom died not too long ago and my dad has been working really long and hard lately.

"I do want to go! But...I'm scared that their are going to be tougher opponents than me..I won't stand out for someone with mellow moves and tactics..." I start to feel wet pricks on my shorts then my hands until I notice...

...that I'm crying.


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