~the opportunity~

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Beomgyu sighed as he finished the last brush stroke, slowly bringing its bristles off the covered canvas. He stared at the painting, stepping back to check out each inch of it and slowly drew to a conclusion. It could've been a lot better but it wasn't terrible so Beomgyu took that as a plus. He bent down, dipping his brush in the white paint before doing a quick signature in the bottom corner. He allowed it time to dry before flipping it over and writing the date on the back. He then turned it back and sat it back down on the easel, sitting down and grabbing his lunchbox from his backpack.

"Beomgyu!" A loud voice rang through the silent and deserted art room. The boy jumped, startled before he twisted to face the disturber. He allowed his lips to curl up into a small smile as Yeonjun approached him, his smile wide. "I haven't seen you all of lunch!" The older whined, plopping down beside him and turning his attention to the finished painting. He gaped at it and stood up immediately and walked forward to inspect it. "Beom, this is amazing!"

Beomgyu shrugged his shoulders before returning his attention back to his food. "It's nothing too special. I could have done a lot better and the proportions are a little bit off. Not to men-"

"Beomgyu, shut up," Yenjun interrupted, hitting the younger's shoulder gently, "I don't understand bullshit." Beomgyu glanced up at him, a small smirk playing at his lips.

"How do you not understand it if it's all you speak?" Yeonjun gasped loudly, throwing his hand over his chest and stumbling back.

"I've been shot! Ouch!" Beomgyu giggled, watching his friend dramatically flail around the empty art room. He never would admit it but he was terribly grateful for the older student. Beomgyu didn't have many friends, having moved to the school halfway through sophomore year. Most people already had their groups found out and he was quiet and shy if you didn't know him, which threw a lot of people off. He stuck to the art room like glue, filling his loneliness with his hobbies.

Yeonjun, however, had taken it upon himself to befriend the new kid, which was shocking to the younger considering that he was the most popular kid in school. He was a social butterfly and had been the class president for all of his high school career. He had an endless list of friends not to mention he was good at everything which only boosted his position in the social hierarchy, But he wasn't cocky, which Beomgyu appreciated. Just confident. His main group of friends, however, only consisted of three people and Yeonjun would say that Beomgyu was as close to him as those three were.

When the older had first approached Beomgyu, his first thought was that the blue-haired junior was a bully and had decided to target the younger. But instead, he had sat down, introduced himself, and had somehow gotten the younger to talk to him. They've been friends ever since but Beomgyu still hadn't mingled with any of Yeonjun's friends, preferring the silent art studio over the loud groups of people any day.

The younger would even consider him his best friend if the boy wasn't so popular and close with everyone else as well. So he stuck to 'friend' and was ever grateful for it.

"Gyu!" The younger was snapped out of his thoughts and turned his attention back towards the older who was once again in front of his painting. He hummed out a response as he watched the older bend down to study the brush strokes in more detail. "Are you even listening?" he asked, chuckling a bit at Bemgyu's guilty expression. "Okay, clearly not. The principal asked me to ask the best artist at the school to paint a mural on the front inside wall of the school, near the entrance. He said it could basically be anything you want as long as it symbolized some type of unity or something, I don't know, but yeah."

"Okay..." Beomgyu began, cocking his head to the side in confusion, "So why are you telling me this?"

Yeonjun groaned, slapping his forehead before twisting completely around to face the younger. "Because you ARE the best artist at the school!" Beomgyu's mouth dropped to an 'o' shape as he realized what the older was asking.

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