~the second question~

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Double update cause I felt like it~


"I'm curious as to where this artist is going with this painting. The person he painted was quite unexpected though not disappointing." Taehyun's voice rang through the art room as the rambunctious group sauntered into the silent art room, sending Beomgyu's precious silence flying. The boy had noticed that they had begun to eat here regularly, claiming this spot as theirs along with him and Beomgyu was beginning to warm up to the idea. He genuinely enjoyed their company, finding their joyous laughter more important to him than his silence.

"You know I did not see the antlers coming, but for some reason, they made me a bit sad," Kai responded, taking his normal seat diagonal from Beomgyu. The older just listened to their discussion greeting each boy with a small smile.

"He responded to the messages again," Yeonjun spoke up, ruffling Beomgyu's hair fondly before taking his own seat. Taehyun's eyes lit up, warming the artist's heart as a wide smile spread across the younger's face.

"I know! He responded to mine. It was very insightful to read," he exclaimed, flashing a quick wave in Beomgyu's direction in greeting before returning his attention to Yeonjun.

"What did he say?" Soobin's voice rang out, curious. Taehyung just smiled and shook his head.

"Something that we, I guess you could say, were conversing about. But I'll keep his words to myself."

"Wow, someone's interested in mystery boy," Yeonjun teased, his lips turning upwards. Taehyung once again rolled his eyes, crossing his arms and leaning back. He didn't look flustered at all which was something that could not be said about the quiet Beomgyu.

"Shut up hyung, it's called a private conversation." Yeonjun frowned, clutching his heart and feigning pain.

"You're so mean to me Taehyunnie." The addressed just shrugged and grinned, earning quiet laughs from around the table. The group's conversation then fell into a constant hum in Beomgyu's ears as he focused on his neglected homework from the night before. He was a decent student so he never really had to worry and he never got too much work to stress him out but he always tried to stay on top of his studies, realizing he would need more than a paintbrush to get into a university.

"-bullshit! Come on Gyu, tell them!" Yeonjun's voice cut through the younger's focus, pulling him out of his English textbook.

"Huh?" he asked, clearly lost having not paid attention to the past conversation. Yeonjun whined a bit and grabbed his arm, shaking him gently.

"I'm definitely a Gryffindor and Soobin is a Ravenclaw! Right?" Beomgyu scoffed and shook his head, patting the older on his shoulder.

"Absolutely not, hyung." The older gaped, grabbing his chest in mock pain.

"You hurt me, Beom," he murmured, electing a giggle from the younger. "Okay, well if you're so smart in Harry Potter culture, then what are all of our houses?"

Beomgyu chuckled and sat up straighter, smirking a bit as he glanced around the table. "This is easy," he muttered before pointing at his best friend, "You are a Slytherin. You're cunning and ambitious, not to mention a strong person-"


"Ah ah ah, don't interrupt me. Just because you're a Slytherin doesn't make you a bad person. Slytherin's are great okay? Moving on," he pointed towards Soobin and began to move his hand down the row as he talked. "Soobin hyung is a Hufflepuff, along with Kai. You two are kind and loyal. You radiate soft vibes and you make everyone want to hug you but you're terrifying if you're pissed. Hufflepuffs are seriously underrated." He finished, receiving proud nods from the two that were mentioned. Turning to his last victim, he chuckled triumphantly. "And Taehyun, you are a Ravenclaw. You're intelligent and sharp. You have a strong personality and are very independent." Beomgyu sat back in his chair and grinned at Yeonjun's gaping mouth.

"Hyung, no offense but you were way off," the younger teased, nudging the older's shoulder gently.

"Well apparently you're right, according to your smug look and all their nods," he murmured, leaning his head on Soobin's shoulder.

"I'm always right," Beomgyu sang cheerfully, flipping his imaginary hair over his shoulder and lifting his chin in the air in mock superiority.

"I'm just shocked how quick you figured us out," Soobin chuckled, "You were so confident too." Beomgyu shrugged, sitting back.

"It wasn't that hard," he said, smiling, "you all are easy to figure out. In a good way, I mean. Your personalities are strong so you just have to sort them out to which traits stand out the most."

"He's also a huge Harry Potter nerd," Yeonjun cut in. Beomgyu scowled, hitting the older over the top of the head.

"Shut up."

Yeonjun threw his hands into the air, glaring at the younger, before attacking him and tickling his sides. "I'm still your hyung, you brat. Respect me!"

Beomgyu screeched, tears falling from his eyes in laughter and fell out of his char, crumbling to the floor. He shot up and stood with one foot in front of the other, his hands held up defensively. "Come at me, bruh," he wheezed, his chest moving rapidly as he tried to capture his breath. Yeonjun chuckled and sat back in his chair, his hand taking its previous position in Soobin's.

"Nah, too much work." Beomgyu rolled his eyes and took back his seat before glancing around at the table. Soobin and Kai were cackling while Taehyun had a soft smile on his face, his cheeks a bit colored as he stared at the pair, deep in thought. The conversation quickly continued on, dipping back into the unknown artist near the end of the lunch period and once again setting Beomgyu's heart on fire.

He really didn't want them to figure out who he was. Beomgyu didn't really know why it scared him so much, but not being able to hide behind the confident facade of the unknown artist scared him. Taehyun would figure out it was him the whole time and that terrified him. Would he hate him? Judge him? What would he think of him?

Beyonmgyu rose his water bottle to his mouth subconsciously, taking small sips as he thought, too deep in his mind to really hear the conversation.

"-I think I know who it is." Beomgyu choked on his water when those words cut through his thoughts. He coughed loudly, slamming the bottle down and slapping his chest repeatedly. Wow, good job Beomgyu, really subtle.

"Wow," Yeonjun murmured, slapping the younger's back until Beomgyu was able to regain his calm. When the artist finally did he was blushing furiously. He really knew how to make a fool of himself, didn't he?

"Who do you think it is?" he asked the younger, trying to tear all attention away from him. Taehyun just chuckled and shook his head.

"I'm not telling until I'm sure," he hummed, flashing a quick smile. Shit. Beomgyu had to throw him off. Anything to get him off his tail. Even if he didn't think it was him, just to be safe. He couldn't know. Not him. "Say, Hyung?" the boy asked, once again capturing Beomgyu's attention.


"What do you think the artist is trying to say?" Anything to throw him off.

"Oh," he hesitated, pretending to think, "I really don't know Taehyun." This seemed to surprise the younger, who sat back in his chair, his eyes narrowed. "It's definitely not something I've seen before, so he has that going for him. But I really have no clue. Although I'm interested to ask him if he ever reveals his identity." Anything. Beomgyu watched as Taehyun's lips fell into a small frown.

"O-oh, okay." Beomgyu chuckled, leaning forward on the desk.

"Not the answer you were hoping for?" He asked, cocking his head to the side.

"To be honest, no," Taehyun murmured, a small smile replacing his frown. "But then again, you can't know everything right?" The older just nodded, relaxing back in his chair. It seems that that specific question had a lot more meaning to the younger than Beiomgyu originally thought.

Yeonjun watched this exchange with concerned eyes. What are you doing Beomgyu?

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