~a shoe~

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A little filler before a dash of tea uwu


When Beomgyu pulled up the next morning, he was beaming bright. And when lunch came around, his world only shone that much brighter. He had quickly learned to ignore the whispering stares in the hallway and after a week, his admirers quickly faded into the background, although every once in a while he still found a gift outside his locker. He always appreciated them, but he never failed to write a little note that thanked them, but told them he didn't want any gifts. People also began to notice him more, and more people approached him in class, which he didn't mind since it opened the doors for some friends, however, sadly, now the teachers also noticed him more. And that meant being called on in class. So now he had to actually pay attention. Gross.

When he had whined to Taehyun about this, the younger only smacked him across the head. "Serves you right. You should pay attention."

"But I don't want toooo. And I already know what's happening."

"Stop complaining."

"But Hyuuun."

"Every student has to do the same."

"But I don't care about them!"

The younger just rolled his eyes and sighed, continuing to scold the older all the way down the hallway.

However, no matter how many gifts he received from the admirers, and no matter how many scolding he received from Taehyun, lunch remained to be his favorite part of the school day. His joy only brightened whenever Yeonjun, Soobin, Kai, and, of course, Taehuyun brought their screeching ruckus into the once quiet art room. The boy was also taking a break from his art pieces, allowing himself to relax for a second and talk with his friends like a normal high school student would. He still loved it, of course, but now he had another light in his life. That light being the boy that was now sitting beside him at the lunch table, hand in his, yapping away about something that had happened in class the period beforehand.

"I'm serious! Minho-ssi and Jisung hyung were literally at each other's throats! The teacher was so irritated that he sent them both to detention! And Mr. Jung never sends people to detention."

"Those two are going to get married, mark my words," Yeonjun laughed, shaking his head carefully as to not wake the sleeping Soobin on his shoulder.


The older chuckled and shook his head before turning towards Taehyun and Beomgyu, wiggling his eyebrows. "So?" He asked, "How was your date?"

Beomgyu rolled his eyes and huffed while Taehyun glowered at the older. "Why do you want to know?"

"Well, I obviously want to savor this victory for as long as I can!" The blue-haired whined. "I had to put up with Bemgyu's whining for ages!"

"Oh?" Taehyun giggled, raising his eyebrows in the artist's direction. The boy glared at his best friend, rolling his eyes and trying his best to ignore his own blush that was covering his cheeks.

"Shut up hyung."

"Oh please," A new voice added, and everyone chuckled as Soobin slowly raised his head, his voice dripping with exhaustion. "Taehyunnie, you were just as bad."

"Oh my god, tell me about it," Kai groaned, grinning when the red head shot him a warning look. But what maknae would he be if he actually paid attention to that? "All I heard about for nights on end were about how hyung was 'So hOt," and 'AbsOlUtELy AmAzinG anD sO tAleNtEd.' Don't even get me started on his chatter about the artist."

"Kai," Taehyun smiled, his voice not matching his expression. "I recommend you shut up before I invert your ribcage."

The youngest immediately frowned, glancing down at his torso before slowly wrapping his arms wound his stomach. He huffed, a pout forming on his lips before he turned his chin up. "You don't scare me," he murmured stubbornly.

"Oh really? Want to test that theory?" Kai gulped and quickly shook his head before shaking his head wildly. "Thought so."

Quickly the youngest launched into a conversation with the two oldest, leaving the two others to talk to each other. Beomgyu leaned over and rested his chin on Taehyun's shoulder, his breath tickling the younger's ear.

"Tae~" He whispered, giggling when the boy shot him a glare from the corner of his eye.


"I was wondering something."

"And what is that."

"What's your perfect idea of a date?" Taehyun smirked at this, turning his head more to see the older boy that still rested on his shoulder.

"Why do you ask?" Beomgyu pouted at that, giving his best puppy eyes towards the younger.

"Because I should know these things. Pleeeease."

"Fine," Taehyun chuckled, shaking his red locks, "Honestly, I'm not too sure. But something memorable... and something relating to us. Make it personal, you know? Like last night was perfect. That basically was my perfect idea of a date. Maybe a walk or something but that's really it."

"Dang, that's all?" The older murmured slowly sitting back up. "You mean to tell me that I used my best idea on our first date and now nothing else will be as goood?" he whined. Taehyun chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"Idiot," he murmured, squeezing the hand of the other gently. "Don't you know that anywhere with you would be perfect?"


"...aww you're making me blush."

"You just had to ruin it, didn't you?"

"It's what I do best!" Taehyun sighed and glanced over at him.

"Well, it's true." Beomgyu chuckled and nodded, swinging their interlocked fingers in between them.

"So the murals and a walk, huh?"


"I'll keep that in mind," he giggled. The younger gazed upon him with fond eyes and smiled.


"This makes me sick," a bored voice interrupted them. Beomgyu and Taehyun turned towards the youngest of the group with amused eyes. Kai was frowning, his gaze darting from the Yeonbin couple back to the other two. "I'm surrounded by a sea of love and I am dIsgUstEd."

"Aww, you're just jealous~" Taehyun teased, wiggling his eyebrows at the youngest. The taller boy gagged and rolled his eyes, taking off his shoe and throwing it in Soobin and Yeonjun's direction to get them to stop making out.


"Oops? And that's debatable."

"Don't worry we will find you somebody soon~"

The boy frowned again, slowly retrieving his shoe that was thrown over the eldest's shoulder. He slowly turned towards the teasing red-head, his boot in hand. "Want me to invert YOUR ribcage?"

"You wouldn't, you love me!" Kai turned his gaze towards an amused Beomgyu who was watching the argument with laughing eyes.

"Hyung, say goodbye to your date, you will never see him again."

"Wait-" And with that, the youngest of the group leapt across the table and chased his best friend out of the art room, his shoe raised high above his head, leaving a stunned Hyung line in their wake.

"...what just happened?"

"I don't even know anymore."


and I know I keep saying it but thank you for 10K T-T it just always amazes me that someone would read this XD

... anywhooo the next chapter should be done by the time y'all finish but if it isn't just know I'm editing it real quick lmao it it will be out in like 10 min max

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