~the fourth question~

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As usual, Beomgyu sat in his normal seat, trying his best to catch up on some sleep that he had lost last night due to severe overthinking. Of course, this seemed rather impossible as soon as the rowdy bunch of four walked into the empty art room, their loud voices quickly filling the comfortable silence.

"So what I'm hearing," Soobin giggled, shoving Taehyung lightly in the arm, "is that little Hyunnie has a crush!" The red head's face was a bright red as he slapped the older over the head in quick retaliation.

Beomgyu kept his head on the desk, his arms folded under it as he listened to the conversation. He closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep as the group eventually took their seats at the table.

"N-no I don't," Taehyun murmured, and from what Beomgyu could tell, began to stab his chopsticks into whatever unfortunate food he had that day.

"Yes, you do!" Kai giggled, clapping his hands like a seal and etching on Beomgyu's nerves. "Your face is all red and you're stuttering!"

The exhausted boy fought the urge to look up to see the younger's face. Half of him intrigued the other half completely let down. Once again, the artist was faced with the utter disappointment of figuring out his crush likes somebody else. He wasn't dumb and he knew they wouldn't talk about it around him if the boy liked him so now he had to sit and wait as he listened to the others blabber on and on about their friend's awkward state.

During this time, Yeonjun was strangely quiet, only speaking up when addressed. He reached over and patted Beomgyu's knee lightly in comfort, knowing full well that the younger was not asleep. The artist smiled sadly into his arm and opened his eyes just enough to make eye contact with his best friend, a string of understanding passing between their gazes before the boy closed his eyes once again.

"Hey, let's quiet down a bit, yeah?" Yeonjun muttered, catching the others' attention, "Beomgyu is asleep." The others muttered out quick apologies almost immediately before lowering their voices.

"I actually thought you liked Gyu Hyung," Kai muttered, glancing at the sleeping boy before turning to Taehyun in confusion. His friend grew flustered and he whacked the youngest over the head for maybe the millionth time in the single conversation.

"Shut up! He's right there," taehyun whispered, furiously, glaring at his best friend.

"He's asleep, it doesn't matter," the younger murmured, rubbing his head in pain.

"I-" Taehyun huffed, his eyes floating towards the artist, his gaze softening. The boy somehow always looked so beautiful that it was almost unreal. "I don't really know, honestly. I thought I did too but at the same time, this unknown artist guy is hitting me hard. I don't know what to think-"

Yeonjun eyes widened and he suddenly broke out in a fit of coughing, slapping his chest as he wheezed for air, his eyes wide. Attention immediately switched to him and Soobin handed his boyfriend his water bottle as he worriedly patted the older's back. "Sorry," he wheezed once he could breathe again. "Just caught off guard."

Taehyun groaned and slammed his head onto the table lightly, as to not wake Beomgyu up. "You think it's dumb don't you," he whined, lifting his head a bit only to slam it back down.

Yeonjun hesitated, glancing at his friend who was still asleep, although this time it seemed as if he had actually drifted off, small snores coming from his mouth and he couldn't help but wonder how much the boy had heard. "No I don't," he answered honestly, shaking his head. "I think it's understandable. This guy you've been talking to and confiding in has produced good answers that seem to match your level of thinking. He also has a quiet confidence, but isn't cocky, and is obviously talented. As for Beomgyu, the artist and he are pretty similar and you've seen him. He's been there and you know him and he's an amazing person. So no I don't find it dumb. But maybe you should wait for the identity reveal to come to a conclusion? Don't give up on either one."

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