~the beginning~

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"Yeonjun, did you drop the key off?"

"Yes, Gyu, it's under the front mat. Just make sure to keep it until you finish the painting okay? Then drop it off in the office."

"Alright, Thanks Hyung."

"No prob. Good luck on the mural, I'm excited to see it."

"And good luck on your date," Beomgyu responded, grinning as he heard Yeonjun giggle through the phone.

"Oh, I will."

"Yeah, yeah, okay. I'm here now so I have to go hyung. Have fun," Beomgyu responded, bending down and grabbing the school key from under the front entrance mat and sticking it into the keyhole, opening the door.

"Alright, bye Gyu," Yeonjun responded before ending the call. Beomgyu slipped the device into his pocket and walked through the dark halls, locking the door behind him. He made his way towards the designated hall and switched on the hall light, staring at the blank wall. He studied it for a second before walking towards the art room to gather his supplies. Since this was a project for the school, Mr. Kim was able to buy all the paints and rollers and brushes with the school's budget. He told the student he left it out on one of the rolling carts before he left so that Beomgyu could find it and take it easily without too much hassle.

Beomgyu grabbed the supplies and slowly walked back to the hall. It was around 6 PM so he decided to take his time, figuring he had plenty of it until he had to return home. He decided to start with a fresh white coat which would allow for the whole image to come out clearer and got to work, laying the tape around the edges of the wall, protecting the mortar from the paint that would soon cover it. He rolled out the drop mat to protect the floor and got to work.

After laying the white coat he grabbed a pencil and began to sketch out the image he had planned, the paint already dry. He worked quickly but carefully, making sure to get each proportion and angle just right, using a ruler when necessary but mostly going freehand. After finishing the basic sketch he stepped back to admire the outline, a small smile climbing to his lips when he realized it was basically spot on and he wouldn't have to erase anything again. Time had passed quickly and it was already 7:30 pm, giving Beomgyu maybe an hour or so to get started. The student shrugged, knowing this project would take some time and got back to work.

It was very strange working in the silent halls. Almost eerie, too used to the yells and laughs of teenagers that would normally fill the school. But Beomgyu enjoyed it, thinking of it as a rare sight, the only noises heard now being the quiet brushstrokes and occasional humming that emanated from the boy whenever a favorite song played through his earphones.

The soothing atmosphere allowed Beomgyu's thoughts to drift away from his painting and towards a certain red-haired boy. Taehyun confused him, to say the least. He seemed very quiet and composed, mature for his age for sure, but other times he seemed loud and joyous, a wide smile spread over his features. Beomgyu had also realized that he himself had felt a strange confidence around him. One that he usually only feels with people he is really close with, such as Yeonjun. But he had just met the younger boy. Beomgyu shook his head. He was discovering new things about himself that he wasn't sure he wanted to sort out. He was still confused when his stomach fluttered at the mention of the red-heads name or the sound of his voice and he wasn't sure he wanted to know the answer to that either. He shrugged off the thoughts and returned his focus back to the painting, letting his mind get drowned out by the quiet hum of 'We Are Bulletproof: the Eternal' by BTS.

Finally finishing the next coat he stepped back to once again admire it. He had just finished the sky, using beautiful shades of a deep blue, mixed with the pastel touches of purple and sky blue clouds in almost a spiral-like swirl, beginning at the top and widening out as it neared the edges of the mural. He grinned at it, slightly proud only to frown. Shit. He forgot that he had penciled everything... and he had just painted over it all. Beomgyu groaned loudly, allowing the noise to echo through the deserted halls before he grabbed his pencil again.

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