~lunch but problematic~

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Beomgyu groaned as he sunk into his usual seat in the art room. He felt as if he had been fighting gravity all day, his body wanting to sink to the floor and rest instead of trudging around the school hallways where everywhere he went he heard about himself. Rumors had spread about why everything was left out and why the notes were unanswered, but Beomgyu didn't pay much attention to it. He was exhausted, and all he wanted was to sleep.

The door of the art room flew open, and his usual loud group of friends entered, their voices immediately filling the still and quiet room.

"I'm kind of worried about him..." Taehyung murmured, immediately capturing Beomgyu's attention.

"He's probably fine, hyung."

"Yeah but still."

"It'll be fine, I bet he will be back tonight!"

"I just want him to be safe," the older murmured. Beomgyu rolled his eyes before closing them to mask his irritation. Did Taehyun only ever talk about the artist? Beomgyu had heard enough worries and concerns about his other half, he really didn't want to hear it from him too.

When the boys made it to the table, all eyes rested on the exhausted artist who was sprawled across the table.  "What the hell happened to you? It looks like you were run over, backed over, then run over again."

Beomgyu glanced up and met the eyes of a slightly worried Taehyun. Wow... thanks. He sighed and shrugged, "I'm okay, I promise. I just-"

"That's good, I was worried," the boy interrupted before turning back to the maknae, sending the artist into more shocked silence, his eyes narrowed. Did he just... interrupt him? And tell him he was worried? And interrupt him? And turn to Kai? And interrupt him? Bitch, excuse me?

As soon as the four sat down, a screeching ring filled the room and halls, an obvious sign that an announcement was about to come through the speakers. The room and group settled into an anticipating silence as they waited for their principal's voice to speak.

"Student-" another screech rang out, making Beomgyu wince, covering his ears. "Uh, my apologies. Students! As you all appear to know, the mystery artist that you are all so obsessed over left hi-THEIR stuff out last night." Wow sir, good save, Beomgyu rolled his eyes, resting his chin on his palm, his elbow balancing on the table.

"I would like to say that the reason for that is because some idiots, not naming names, decided it would be a brilliant idea to break into the school last night and figure out the identity of the artist. Now, I could go off for hours about how, not only is this illegal and trespassing, it is also inconsiderate and plain rude, but I will save you guys the earful. If I hear of anyone doing this again, I will figure out who, and you will be expelled. It is that simple. Thank you all for your time, now please go back to eating and being dumb."

After the man finished and one final shriek from the intercom rang out, the room was filled with silence. Beomgyu glanced at Yeonjun and the older at him, while Taehyun, Kai, and Soobin sat frozen in shock of the brand new news. "That's terrible," the youngest murmured, shaking his head.

"I'm so worried for him," Taehyun murmured sadly, twiddling his fingers as he stared down at the table.

You always are.

"He must be so tired."

You have no idea.

"I hope he's okay."

What about me?

While Beomgyu was busy sulking, Yeonjun was glancing between him and Taehyun, his eyebrows furrowed. Puckering his lips, he gently tapped his best friend's shoulder, capturing the boy's attention. "You okay?" he muttered softly, carding a hand gently through the younger's hair.

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