~the response~

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~double update uwu~

Who are you?

It's me.

Taehyun stared down at the crumpled paper clasped in the artist's hand with wide eyes, his pupils basically shaking.

"B-beomgyu... what is this?" He whispered, gaze moving from the sticky note in the boy's hand to his eyes. Beomgyu glanced down, a sad smile decorating his lips and he reached out, sliding his hand down the younger's arm and grabbing his hand. He pulled it forward, gently unclasping Taehyun's fingers and placing the paper in the boy's palm.

"I'm sorry I took your note," the artist whispered, his eyes slowly moving to meet the younger's. "But this was really the only way I could tell you."

Taehyun's mouth gaped and he stepped back, his head bobbing from the note to the artist and then back repeatedly.


"CHOI BEOMGYU!" A new voice interrupted. The called boy winced and he slowly twisted towards the newcomer, his expression growing hard.

"Leave him alone Jaehyun!" Yeonjun called from a few rows back and from the corner of the artist's eye, Beomgyu could see his friend trying to fight to the front.

"Now why would I do that?!" The bully answered, a wide smirk decorating his lips and his head held higher than his grades could ever imagine. The senior carried himself with a confidence that must've taken weeks for him to muster up as he stepped forward into the little semicircle that had formed. "Little Beomie here is trying to take credit for something he didn't even do."

The artist frowned, his eyes growing cold and he stepped towards the taller, fists clenched and shaking. "I did every single brushstroke of this damned painting," he spat, "every single line. Don't you dare tell anyone that I didn't?"

"Come on Beomgyu," the boy scoffed, pushing the artist's chest lightly, "you aren't even that good. Your art is complete trash, I don't know who you're trying to kid-"

Jaehyuns taunting continued but his words began to drown in Beomgyu's own thoughts. Trash... he's right. Who am I kidding, I'm not even good? Who would believe that I painted this when I can't even do anything else. I'm so dumb, this was all a mistake. I stained the walls of this school in disappointment and shame-

The boy could hear Yeonjun and a few other voices yelling at Jaehyun that he had no idea what he was talking about but Beomgyu could barely distinguish those voices from the ones in his head.

"Shut up Jaehyun!" A new voice called, immediately interrupting his drowning mind. Beomgyu twisted around, his mouth agape when Taehyun stepped forward, his eyes narrowed. "Beomgyu is an incredible artist you miserable mongling bastard, so stop being jealous for once in your life and go pick on someone your own size okay? He already destroyed you once, don't make him do it again."

By the time the boy had finished his speech, Yeonjun had made his way in front of Beomgyu, his eyes hard. "Go away Jaehyun," he whispered, and the bully's shocked gaze was torn from the redhead towards the blue. The boy stumbled back, throwing one last glare in Beomgyu's direction, before turning and disappearing into the crowd, a small path opening for him on his way out.

The students all stood there in silence before loud cheers began to be thrown up and people surrounded the three boys, each person trying to get a word in with Beomgyu about the painting.

As the walls of bodies began to close in around him, Beomgyu felt like his air and oxygen was being ripped from his lungs. His heartbeat grew faster as it tried to keep his body alive, sweat began to drip down his hairline and soon his whole body was shaking. Wild eyes searched for his two friends but he couldn't seem to make out anyone he recognized. Faintly he heard a voice echo over all the others, one he recognized and found comfort in.

"OKAY KIDS," Mr. Jeon yelled, "GO BACK TO LUNCH, you saw the boy, and if you want to talk to him so badly, slip a note into his locker or some shit, give Beomgyu some space!"

Immediately the crowd began to disperse and some waves were thrown Beomgyu's way as students scattered to go eat their lunches. Soon all that was left were the five boys and some mingling students. Mr. Jeon nodded his way before slipping into the teachers' lounge, excited to see Mr. Kim and the other adults.

Beomgyu snapped out of his daze and immediately turned towards Taehyun, a hopeful smile on his lips. "Tae, thank you for-"

"Stop." The redhead murmured, raising his hand. "Just... stop."


"No. My turn to speak. Do you know how fucking hard this was for me?" He growled, glaring holes into Beomgyu as he took a step back. "I would be at home, sobbing, because I was so fucking confused on to how I liked two people! I was so fucking conflicted with the fact that I liked someone who was sitting across from me at lunch every day and this person I didn't even know! And you fucking KNEW That! You knew the whole damn time!"

"Tae, please let me-"

"No!! Beomgyu... just... no. I don't want to hear your reasons or excuses, okay? Not right now! Just... just leave me alone," the boy whispered, his voice cracking. Beomgyu opened his mouth to reply but Taehyun had already turned and ran away from him, not even sparing a glance back.

The artist froze, a hand still outstretched as he watched the boy go and he felt hot tears begin to prickle at his lids. "Gyu," Yeonjun whispered, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder, "just give him some time, he will come around."

Beomgyu turned on his best friend, the tears falling and he clasped the boy's hands in his own. "I- I don't know what to do! I can't wait, Jun! I like him! I've liked him since I saw him at that stupid party! And he hates me, as he should! I have to talk to him-"

"Beom, just at least give him a few minutes," a new voice interrupted. The artist froze and he slowly twisted to face Soobin and Kai.

"Are you guys not mad?" He whispered, his hands shaking.

The two boys smiled and shook their heads. "We know you had your reasons," Kai chuckled, his hair flopping into his eyes.

"I literally lied to your faces. I made Yeonjun lie to you!"

"No," his best friend immediately chimed in, his eyes resting on his boyfriend. "That was my choice. I knew you wouldn't like that and I couldn't do that to you."

Soobin smiled and pulled the older into a hug, burying his head into the boy's shoulder. "I know, and it's okay. You were doing what you thought was best for gyu and I love you for it."

"Plus we kinda already knew." The youngest chimed in, grinning when two heads whipped around to face him in shock.


"That night Beomgyu came to pick us up at the party? When you thought I was extremely drunk? I was actually just a little tipsy and I remember there was paint on your hands and shirt. I didn't think much of it but then Soobin Hyung brought it up to me later and we both realized that it was the same color pallet of the painting. The next day when we saw the mural, our suspicions were confirmed."

"But Taehyun didn't realize-"

"For all of that boy's brains, he's as oblivious as a camel. If you painted on your shirt IM THE MYSTERY ARTIST, he still wouldn't think twice about it." Beomgyu gaped at them before slowly nodding.

"Now," Soobin chuckled, shaking his head, his arm wrapped tightly around a contempt Yeonjun's waist. "Let's figure out how we can fix your little lover problem."

~double update because I love YALL and I'm
Thankful for you guys and it's thanksgiving~

....I might do a triple but we shall see some- apparently some family is coming in so we shall see

And guys your comments made me tear up seriously you guys you're all so sweet 🥺🥺💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💜💜💜💜💜🥰🥰🥰

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