~the visitor~

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Beomgyu groaned, rolling over in his bed as light penetrated his eyelids. Fluttering them open, he allowed his eyes to adjust and they widened when he realized that he was not in his own room. He glanced around frantically, shooting up in the bed he was lying in, only to come face to face with a very concerned Yeonjun. "Oh thank god, you're awake!" The older cheered, tackling Beomgyu in a hug. What kind of fuckery- "I'm so sorry I ever dragged you to that party! I'll never ever ever do that ever again Gyu!"

"Yeonjun," he groaned, patting his back, "I can't breathe, get off of me." The older quickly scrambled off the bed and stared down at the boy before sighing.

"Do you remember-"

"Yeah I do," Beomgyu interrupted, "Also it wasn't your fault, hyung. You didn't know that would happen and I still got to meet your friends so it was fine," He said, throwing his legs over the side of the bed and standing up. He stretched his arms, only now realizing that he was in a t-shirt and sweatpants. He frowned.


"I had to!" The older immediately defended himself, "You can't go to sleep in jeans and a shirt that smelled heavily of alcohol, man!" Beomgyu sighed but nodded, patting the older's shoulder in recognition.

"Yeah yeah, okay thank you hyung." Yeonjun smiled at that before walking to his dresser and throwing a t-shirt and fresh pair of sweatpants at him.

"You're welcome. Now go get dressed, we still have school in a few hours." Beomgyu groaned, throwing his hands up in the air.

"I just passed out, can't I skip!"

"Nope," the older responded, sashaying out of the room. The younger rolled his eyes but got dressed nonetheless, borrowing the older's brush to tame his crazy bed head before following Yeonjun out.


It was currently lunchtime and Beomgyu was, as usual, in the art room. He had gotten a text form Yeonjun, asking him to join him and the guys but Beomgyu politely refused. He needed to figure out what he would paint and, no offense to the guys, but he preferred to be alone. They were cool and shit but he wasn't comfortable around them and he needed to be able to focus. He then proceeded to beg the older not to tell anyone about the mural. He didn't need the extra pressure or expectations. Yeonjun finally agreed after a quick debate and allowed Beomgyu to return to his sanctuary.

Beomgyu scrolled through the computer, looking for anything that would help him with inspiration until he stopped at one photo. He smiled, recognizing it as a scene from one of his favorite movies, Narnia. Several different species were shown gathered together, some with wings, others with antlers, and yet some still with something else. Beomgyu gasped as ideas flooded into his head and he quickly got to work, turning on some music in his headphones and began to sketch out a rough draft of what he had in mind.

It was sometime later when he felt a tap on his shoulder, snapping him out of his artistic stupor. He instinctively covered up his drawing as he twisted towards the person. His eyes widened when he came face to face with Taehyun. The boy was leaning over his shoulder, trying to get a glimpse of what he was drawing only to frown when he older covered it up. "What are you doing?" he asked Beomgyu, straightening back up and fixing his frown into a more neutral expression. The older shook himself out of his shock and quickly turned towards his sketchbook, flipping it closed and packing up his pencils and pens.

"Just working on something," he responded, his leg tapping nervously under the table.

"Well that's helpful," the younger murmured behind him. Beomgyu threw on a smirk and moved his head to gaze at Taehyun.

"You'll just have to see," he grinned before closing the school laptop. He shoved his sketchbook into his backpack, along with his other supplies before slinging his bag over his shoulder and moving to plug the computer back into its respective slot. Taehyun just nodded, slightly disappointed but also taking the silent challenge. He was patient, so he could wait.

"Why didn't you sit with us today?" He asked instead, leaning against one of the art desks, staring straight at Beomgyu.

"You're very straightforward aren't you?" Beomgyu responded, trying his best to hide his flushed face. Taehyun shrugged, his fingers tapping an unknown rhythm on the table as he watched the older boy clean up his workspace.

"You could say that." Beomgyu hummed in response, finally straightening and tightening the straps of his bag on his shoulders, turning towards the younger boy.

"I had to focus on something," he answered, giving half the truth. The other part he didn't want to share in concern for hurting the younger's feelings or something like that. Taehyung cocked an eyebrow, his mouth resting slightly opened as he thought over Beomgyu's words.

"You're not comfortable with us." Not a question but a statement. Beomgyu met his gaze, a blank expression on his face, neither revealing nor disproving. He shrugged before pushing his chair in under the desk he previously occupied.

"You could say that," he repeated back, throwing a smirk at the younger before moving to leave the classroom. Before Taehyun could respond, he froze and turned back towards the younger. "Um, not to like, be a bitch or anything, but why are you here?" He asked, and Taehyun could clearly see there was no ill intent in his eyes. He shrugged again and glanced around.

"I had to ask Mr. Kim something. Have you seen him around?" Beomgyu hummed again and pointed over his shoulder.

"He's normally in the teacher's lounge with Mr. Jeon during lunch." Taehyun nodded again and walked towards the older, following him out as he turned and left the classroom. "It's over there if you need it," Beomgyu murmured, pointing towards the door before taking off in a different direction. Taehyung watched the boy slowly disappear in the sea of students, both confused and intrigued. This boy, who seemed very shy and quiet and closed off the night before now held an aura of confidence around him, fake or not, it was not there at the party. He just told himself he would ask Yeonjun later or something, walking in the exact opposite direction Beomgyu went, gliding past the teacher's lounge without even a glance towards the door.

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