~the second entry~

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It wasn't until Beomgyu returned to the school that evening to continue the mural that he realized there were a bunch of small sticky notes pressed against the brick on either side of the painting. He knitted his eyebrows together and approached the wall of color, leaning down to read the rushed words that students had written between classes when they had a little time in their day. He smiled sheepishly as his eyes brushed over them, reading every single one. They were all little words of encouragement and compliments, along with questions, The most common ones being, 'This is amazing! Keep it up!', 'good luck, looking good,' and the most popular, 'who are you?' he chuckled as he read through them before freezing at a certain one.

He gulped as he read this particular piece. It had a few more words on it than the others and it read:

'Hello, mystery artist. I'm curious as to who you are but there's more than just that. I want you to know that this is really good and although you don't want to be known right now, you should reveal yourself once finished so that we can all compliment you in person. Don't fear the judgment because there won't be any and if there is-"

"-Fuck them. They don't appreciate beautiful art," Beomgyu finished, chuckling a bit as he caressed the smooth paper. "Look at you Taehyun. You're just popping up everywhere, aren't you?" Checking his watch which read 6:15 pm, he nodded to himself, pulling out his favorite pen. He went to work answering every single note that was left, figuring it was only fair to respond to the lovely words that were left. He kept Taehyun's for last, not really knowing how to respond for a while before coming to a conclusion.

"Hello, mystery writer. I wanted to thank you for your words, which I have kept close to my heart in the past few hours of painting this. However, although you may be right and I have nothing to fear, it does not mean it is as easy for me to let others know who I am. I do this because I enjoy it however the constant stares as I walk through the hallways would not be ideal. But I will still consider your... proposal nonetheless. Thank you."

He shook his head at his response but kept it anyway, knowing that it was what he truly thought, and stuck the note back on the wall. Capping his pen he rolled out the supply cart and went to work.

By the time he had finished, it was 8:05 pm and he was about to drop from exhaustion. He had just finished the trees and ground that began around the bottom of the picture and wrapped around it toward the top, following the spiral-like pattern of the sky. There was one larger tree on the right side and smaller trees that stuck up past the horizon just enough to show they were shown. There was a bigger stump on the left with a small fountain beside it. Several rocks littered the ground along with some branches from the trees and vines. If he had left it at that, it would have looked desolate and dark, so he added some color with white flowers and colorful mushrooms, a few spurts of grass sticking up every once in a while.

This was going a lot quicker than he originally planned but he liked it nonetheless, excited to begin the bigger parts of the painting beyond the simple background. He was also happy that he didn't have to redraw anything this time as he packed up the rest of his supplies. He once again snapped a picture before rolling the cart back to its original place in the art room, once again leaving the school after locking the doors.

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