~the meeting~

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Beomgyu stared at his closet in despair, running his hand through his hair subconsciously. He huffed and grabbed his phone, calling Yeonjun and waiting for him to pick up.

"I swear in you cancel on me, I'm going to-"

"Chill hyung, I'm not backing out," the younger interrupted, eyes still focused on his closet.

"Oh... okay then what do you need, Gyu?" The older asked cheerfully. Beomgyu sighed and turned towards his bed, collapsing onto the mattress as he stared up at his blank ceiling.

"I have absolutely nothing to wear. I also have no idea WHAT to wear," he groaned, standing back up and going towards his closet once again. When no response came from the other end of the line Beomgyu began to think the older had fallen asleep when a sigh filled the silence.

"Good sir," Yeonjun began and Beomgyu could hear the small smile on his voice, "You are lucky you are close to my size. I'm bringing over an outfit and some makeup. Prepare to look amazing!" Beomgyu would have complained but he knew nothing could stop the older, not to mention he was genuinely curious what he would look like dressed up. Don't get him wrong, he would dress up every once in a while but his normal attire consisted of oversized sweatshirts and jeans. He had also never worn makeup but he was definitely not against it.

"Alright," he mumbled through the phone, closing his closet door, "Thanks hyung, see you in a few."

"I'm so excited!" the older cheered before handing up, causing Bemgyu to laugh. He really was appreciative of his hyung.


"Okay, kiddo, I have these three choices for you. I took in your normal style to think about what you would be comfortable-"

"Thanks, hyung."

"-but then I threw that out the window because you literally could look so hot!" Beomgyu frowned at that.

"I take it back," he murmured as Yeonjun spread out the three outfits he had brought along with throwing his makeup bag on the bed. The younger rolled his eyes and surveyed the clothes carefully, trying to gauge which one he would look the best in. He settled on the least flamboyant which consisted of an oversized white t-shirt tucked into black, ripped skinny jeans, and a black bomber jacket. He liked it if he was being honest. It was simple.

"I knew it," yeonjun sang as he shoved Beomgyu into the bathroom to get changed. The younger rolled his eyes but complied, changing quickly and exiting the bathroom to face his friend. Yeonjun clapped excitedly before holding up his finger and turning towards his bag. He pulled out a simple black choker and chain. He threw them to Beomgyu and grinned," go put these on." The younger nodded, sliding the choker around his neck and clipping the chain onto his belt loops, allowing it to hang halfway down his thigh.

Yeonjun clapped again, grinning at his friend before grabbing the makeup bag. "When I'm done with you, you'll look better than Cinderella after she met her fairy godmother."

When Yeonjun was done he took a step back to admire his work. He had styled Beomgyu's hair with beach waves and had it parted slightly to the side and his makeup looked on point, going for a simple brown and black look, just enough to darken his eyes around its points and make his natural eye color stand out. The older wasn't going to lie, he was extremely proud. "Damn, Beomgyu, you look hot. If Choi Soobin didn't exist I might've fallen for you," he chuckled, grinning at Beomgyu's eye roll.

"Bro, you need to ask him out already," Beomgyu murmured as he turned towards the mirror only to drop his jaw, his eyes wide. To say he was shocked by his appearance was an understatement. Yeonjun had somehow captured the best parts of the younger's features and actually made him look decent. In conclusion, Beomgyu didn't hate it. He hummed in approval, admiring his figure and face in the mirror, knowing it would probably be a hot minute before he looked like this again.

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