~the final entry pt. 1~

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a/n: the only reason there are two parts is that there were originally 3950 words... I decided to make it a little easier for you XD


"I don't get it... Isn't it a good thing?"

"What? The fact that he's obsessed with the artist?"

"I mean, it is you, isn't it?"

Beomgyu sighed as he turned into the school. How could he explain this to his friend without sounding extremely dramatic?

"Hyung," he began, "Taehyun doesn't like me. He likes this grand idea of this amazing, wise, and confident artist that is fearless and brilliant. That isn't me..."

"But isn't it? It is you who answers and it is you who's painting,"

"It's a better version of myself. A version that I can't live up to in person. Hyung I'm not even that person when I'm with you! And when I'm with you I'm probably the best part of myself-"


"Shut up hyung, that's beside the point."

"Okay, okay, I get it... kind of. Basically, you're jealous of this grand idea of yourself he has in his eyes because he likes that person, but when the real version of that idea is right in front of him, he doesn't like it as much.... R-right?"


"Wow," Yeonjun sighed through the phone and Beomgyu swore he could hear him shake his head. "Good luck with that one mate, that's one messed up situation."

"Yeah tell me about it... Well, I'm here so I better get going."

"Okay, Gyu. See you... eventually. Keep your head on your shoulders, okay?"

"I will try my best," Beomgyu responded before hanging up.

He sighed as he shifted his car into park, his air conditioning on full blast, blowing his hair back as if he was a star in a drama. He felt like he was a star in a drama. He hated drama. And yet he was swimming in it, drowning in it. He was tired of confusing everyone around him but he was also tired of them sticking their noses in places where they only had to wait a few more days to understand. If they waited, he would finish, and then it would all be easy and simple... then again when was anything ever easy and simple. Easy? Who's she? Never met her.

The artist groaned as he grabbed his phone, wallet, and keys and dragged himself out of his car, locking the doors behind it. He lumbered towards the school, unlocking its doors and slipping inside, this time making sure to hear the lock click behind him as he moved towards his usual residence. At this point, a part of Beomgyu just wanted to get the painting over with. Something that was supposed to be fun, carefree, and relaxing turned out to be something so much more stressful and daunting. The pressure to finish it and reveal his identity seemed to weigh on his shoulders like a large stack of bricks, shoving him to the floor and not let him get back up. The lingering eyes of everyone he passed seemed to pry for answers, even though in reality they would look right past him as if he wasn't even there. The invisible boy was the talk of the school. How ironic.

As he collected his usual supplies, the action by this point welded deep into his muscle memory, he couldn't help but wonder what would happen in the next few days. What would happen when the student body realized that the boy in the back of his class with his earphones on 24/7 was the artist that they were ever so obsessed with? What would happen when the people who he had grown to call his friends realized that he was the artist they were so enamored with? What would happen when Taehyun realized the answer was right in front of him the whole time? What would happen when he realized Beomgyu had been lying to him?

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