~the first question~

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When Beomgyu got to school the next day he was shocked to say his responses were once again the talk of the students.

"Did you see that they responded?"

"Yeah, they responded to mine too!"

"This is so exciting, they're so sweet and modest!"

"I wonder who this is."

"Someone has to know right?"

He tried not to pay too much attention to the conversations and silently went about his day. However, Beomgyu wondered that if the students really knew who was painting it, would they care as much? He was never bullied but he didn't have a lot of friends, obviously, and few people cared for him, so would they care if they knew? He shrugged it off, figuring he would've been curious too if a random mural popped up in the school so he just let it slide.

When lunch came around he once again found himself accompanied by the four maniacs that joined him yesterday. Apparently, wherever Yeonjun went, the remaining three followed.

"I'm serious! This person is amazing!" Kai's loud voice rang through the art room as soon as they opened the door. Beomgyu glanced up but quickly returned his gaze to his food, hoping he would just sink into the background.

"The fact that he responded to all the comments was really cool. It must've taken a lot of time I was shocked to see he got so much done and answered all the notes. He even answered mine," Taehyun responded, collapsing into the seat across from Beomgyu and pulling out his textbook.

Soobin quickly followed, taking the seat he occupied yesterday beside Yeonjun. "How do you even know they're a he?" He asked, intertwining his hand with his boyfriend's. Yeonjun was passed out on the table, quiet snores escaping his mouth every once in a while. He had had a big test the period before that he had stayed up all night studying for so now Beomgyu made him sleep.

Taehyun shrugged, pulling out his note. "Just the way he talks. Also the handwriting kind of seems more like a male than a female." What is that supposed to mean buddy?

Then Beomgyu realized something. Shit. His handwriting. He just plastered it all over the front wall and now Taehyun had it too. He glanced around his spot to make sure none of his work was out and sighed silently when he realized he hadn't pulled any of his stuff out beside the charcoal drawing he was currently working on. Honestly, if anyone really wanted to figure out who he was, it wouldn't be hard. Just look in the art room like for the paintings with the same style and see the signature. But luckily, people were idiots... or just didn't care enough so Beomgyu didn't worry about it too much.

"I guess that makes sense.  But you would literally have to look at every single person's handwriting in the school and even then you might not catch the artist," Kai murmured, pulling out his own homework and placing it on the table.

"I mean, it isn't too hard. You could cross out three-fourths of the school immediately by realizing that they don't like art and those that do aren't good at it. I can also cross out most of the people I know because they would have blabbed about it by now."

"Ah, I see," Soobin murmured. Beomgyu was trying his best not to look too panicky. Of course one of the few guys that knew him was also one of the smartest. Fuck. He just didn't want people to know.

Next to him, Yeonjun stirred from his stupor, slowly sitting up and blinking rapidly from the bright lights. He yawned and stretched, only to realize his hand was clasped in Soobin's. The older grinned and leaned into his boyfriend, giving him A small peck on the cheek before turning back to the group. "What are y'all talking about?" he murmured, rubbing his eyes with his free hand.

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