~beautiful life~

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When the five boys made it to the karaoke bar, Yeonjun taking the lead by ordering a room and buying some food and drinks, they couldn't help but allow their hearts to leap. Especially Beomgyu. He had never really done anything like this with anyone besides Yeosang and Yeonjun and he had never felt this excited. He had never gone out with a group before. He was always with the few friends that he could muster, which was never a lot, so now, with four amazing people around him, his whole body shook with anticipation and excitement.

The room was simple when they all made it comfortable inside. The walls were black with bright blue and purple couches pushed against the walls, glass tabletop tables placed in front of them, and bright neon music notes brushed across the walls and floors. The lights were almost a blue-light consistency, making the neons glow, but they still provided enough light for them to see. On the far wall stood the karaoke machine, a large TV displayed across it for the words. It looked straight out of an 80s movie and Beomgyu absolutely adored it.

To start, deciding it best to get the crackhead energy rolling, Yeonjun and Kai immediately started singing to Ring Ding Dong by SHINee, quickly followed by BANG BANG BANG by Big Bang. It wasn't long after where the room was filled with roaring laughter and dolphin squeals as they went around and sung songs that ranged from crazy pop to old trot. They cheered each other on and Beomgyu swore that they were louder than fans at concerts. He felt like the whole room was shaking with their volume, the very air quivering at each beat of the music.

When The night drew near, the five were exhausted, tired smiles lazily resting on their faces as Soobin and Yeonjun sat back down after performing a... rather explicit JYP song. The others eyes were scarred but they couldn't help but laugh at the scene when the two got super into it. Silence took over them for the first time that night until Heuning decided to speak up.

"I vote Beomgyu and Taehyun for a ballad."

Immediately the two glanced at each other, bright flushes from both the heat and the recommended action rushing to their cheeks. Taehyun giggled and Beomgyu just smiled and rolled his eyes but soon the two eldest were shoving them off the couches and onto the stage. The two sighed and whispered to each other, trying to figure out which song they should do. They really had no clue, no matter how much they both loved music, they really did not know what to choose.

Soobin sighed and stood up, moving to the machine and typing a few things before stepping back. "Both of you know this song. You're welcome."

The two younger boys glanced at each other, slightly confused before a simple instrumental began to play and their eyes widened, small smiles taking to their lips. They loved this song. It was simple and beautiful.

It's a beautiful life
I will stay by your side
It's a beautiful life
I will stand right behind you
Beautiful love
If I am with you under this sky
Just breathing alone makes me happy

It's a beautiful life
Beautiful day
I live in your memories
Beautiful life
beautiful day
Stay by my side

Beautiful my love
Beautiful your heart
It's a beautiful life
It's a beautiful life

Taehyun began to sing first and Beomgyu's eyes widened before they shut tight and he swayed along with the woven melody. He listened as Taehyun took the notes in his mouth and created a breathtaking symphony with them, his voice flowing perfectly with no hesitation. It sounded like he meant it. Like he was thinking of someone he couldn't live without and when the older opened his eyes, Taehyun was staring right at him, his gaze glowing, and Beomgyu knew. And his heart swelled.

Slowly, without breaking eye contact, he rose the mic to his lips and began his next verse 

It's a beautiful life
I will always protect you
It's a beautiful life
So lean on me
Beautiful love

Your tears, your smile
So we can be together
It's a beautiful life
Beautiful day
I loved you like crazy

Beautiful life
beautiful day
I don't wanna lose you
Beautiful my love
Beautiful your heart

Just as Beomgyu's eyes widened, so did Taehyun's. He always knew he loved the older's voice but, by God, it was breathtaking every time he heard it. The older's low voice was smooth and rich with emotion and by the way he was looking at the younger, Taehyun couldn't help but feel so warm in that moment. He couldn't help but feel so hopelessly loved. So hopelessly in love.

They both took up the bridge together, taking a step towards each other in the moment, Beomgyu's hand wrapping around the younger's like a missing puzzle piece, their fingers sliding and locking together.

It's a beautiful life

Memories that resemble you

Remain with me

Your memories, your recollections

It's a sorrowful life

Sorrowful day

I can't win over sadness

Sorrowful life

sorrowful day

So don't leave me

So I won't live just in your memories

It's a beautiful life...

By the end of it, Beomgyu had his arm wrapped around the younger's waist and Taehyun had leaned his head against the tallers, both of their eyes closed as they finished off the last line. The music faded into the background and they remained there, drowning in the presence of the other. They hadn't realized the tears streaming down Yeonjun's face, his smile glowing while Soobin and Kai had their phones out, videoing the moment. They hadn't realized when the three slipped out to give the two some space. They hadn't realized the gentle click of the door shutting behind them. The only thing they noticed was the other's dancing and twinkling eyes and their identically shy smiles.

The only thing they noticed was when their faces drew closer together and their lips brushed against each other before colliding softly, moving against each other in a slow, soft pace. The only thing they noticed was the taste of cherries mixed with a tinge of coke. They only thing they noticed was each other and for them that was enough.

They separated and once more leaned their foreheads against each other. After a seconds silence, Taehyun giggled before staring up into the Artist's eyes. "I didn't know you could get so passionate about singing... and so soft."

"It's you I'm singing to, of course I would."

"You're unpredictable."

"I'm... me," Beomgyu whispered, quickly losing himself to the younger's swirling galaxies. Taehyun chuckled again and stepped closer, illuminating any space between their bodies and a hair's distance between their lips.

"Oh? And just who are you, Choi Beomgyu?" He asked, eyes now directed on the older's mouth, eyes glazing over. Beomgyu smirked, and leaned in, their lips brushing against each other ever so slightly. Just enough to send a chill down the younger's spine, and in the silence, the two folded into each other, completely and utterly enamored.  Completely and utterly in love.

"I'm all yours."

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